3 Reasons You Are Seeing Yellow Jackets in Your Kitchener Backyard

A predatory wasp, yellow jackets are capable and durable insects, often surviving and remaining active in temperatures that do not suit other insects. According to wasp pest control services in Kitchener, yellow jackets can help pollinate and often curb other pest populations but can get aggressive. Therefore, they are not what most homeowners consider backyard … Continue reading 3 Reasons You Are Seeing Yellow Jackets in Your Kitchener Backyard

Waterloo Pest Control: Which is Worse a Wasp or Hornet?

When winged stinging insects decide to share your Waterloo property with you, it can be difficult to identify one species from another, as wasps, hornets and yellowjackets all share characteristics and it can be difficult to get close without risking a sting. At Truly Nolen, we can provide you with pest control services in Waterloo, … Continue reading Waterloo Pest Control: Which is Worse a Wasp or Hornet?

York Pest Control: Why Wasps Are Aggressive During the Fall

Wasps are active throughout the summer and can make nuisances of themselves in parks and playgrounds, and possibly in your yard or home. You cannot do anything about wasps in public places, but wasp removal in your home can help protect you and your family. It is a good idea to take this step as … Continue reading York Pest Control: Why Wasps Are Aggressive During the Fall

Toronto Wasp Removal: Why Yellow Jackets Like Trash

  The yellow jacket is one of the most common species of social wasps in Canada. Social wasps are those that live in large nests or colonies. Because these wasps are more aggressive, people often need to call pest removal in Toronto to deal with them on their property. One thing that may be drawing … Continue reading Toronto Wasp Removal: Why Yellow Jackets Like Trash

Preventing Wasps From Nesting on Commercial Properties in Waterloo

One of the most common calls for commercial pest control services in Waterloo is wasp removal and prevention. The summer brings swarms of aggressive, stinging insects. Wasps and people have a ceremonial summer dance. People swat and wave their arms while running in circles, and wasps retreat and attack, retreat and attack. There is something … Continue reading Preventing Wasps From Nesting on Commercial Properties in Waterloo

Cambridge Pest Control: How to Keep Your Children Safe From Wasp Bites

Children love to play outside in the warm summer weather. Outdoor activities allow them to get exercise, while moderate exposure to sunlight allows their bodies to produce vitamin D, which is important for developing bones. Nevertheless, outdoor activities put your children at risk for wasp stings. Wasp pest control services in Cambridge can help keep … Continue reading Cambridge Pest Control: How to Keep Your Children Safe From Wasp Bites

Georgetown Pest Control: What Are Ground Wasps?

Ground wasps can be like secret, silent spies hiding underneath your yard. Most often disturbed when you’re mowing the grass or trimming weeds, ground wasps can swarm suddenly, seeming to come from nowhere. Use this guide to identify ground wasps, avoid surprises, and assess whether you need a professional service for wasp removal in Georgetown.  … Continue reading Georgetown Pest Control: What Are Ground Wasps?

Vaughan Pest Control: 4 Facts About Wasps That Will Blow Your Mind!

Wasps are primarily regarded as a pest, mainly for their ability to sting, overrun picnics, and build menacing-looking nests that contain thousands of wasps near homes and other buildings. However, wasps can actually be a good form of pest control since they eat other critters such as spiders, ants, and caterpillars. Although wasp removal is … Continue reading Vaughan Pest Control: 4 Facts About Wasps That Will Blow Your Mind!

Guelph Pest Control: What Are Social Wasps?

  In the insect world, there are two basic types of wasps: solitary wasps and social wasps. The vast majority of wasp species are solitary, meaning that they make individual nests and raise offspring on their own. A minority of wasp species are social, meaning that they live together in large colonies. Though there are … Continue reading Guelph Pest Control: What Are Social Wasps?