Truly Nolen Canada

Fall Pest Control Maintenance Advice

Lawn with basketball goal and house

Spring is a time of excitement. We anxiously wait for the sunshine and watch our gardens and plants begin to flourish. Animals appear after long months of hibernation and you begin to set up your outdoor areas, determined to spend time outside. Contrarily, fall is a time where we look to pack our things away and spend more time indoors. Leaves fall from the trees and the weather changes. We unpack our warm clothes and store the summer clothes away.

Pests notice this too. The warm, comfortable homes they’ve enjoyed during spring and summer will soon become too cold and they’ll need a place to hole up for the winter. Fall is when you need to start thinking about protecting your home. We’re going to discuss the things you need to look out for. Otherwise, you could be needing rodent, ant or cockroach pest control before you know it.

Why Do You Need to Be Careful?

If you properly maintain your home and garden every fall, then you have little to worry about. Chances are though, you’re in the minority. While many of us spring into action for the warm weather, we’re lazy and less careful come fall. Even the tiniest holes and cracks on the exterior of your home could be a massive opportunity for pests.

Rodents, cockroaches, ants and other pests will be aware of the cooling temperatures and shorter days. They don’t have the capabilities to survive layers of snow and extreme cold. Instead, they move their nests to warmer, drier surroundings. Most of the time, the first place they’ll look for shelter is your home. Walls, basements, and attics are all perfect for them – but only if you let them be. 

Which Pests Will Try to Enter Your Home?

Above every other type of pest, rodents are the ones which are likely to cause you the most problems. Rats and mice are incredibly clever animals. They swim, squeeze through holes the size of a quarter and understand your habits too. Be sure to store your garbage correctly and don’t make any food easily accessible. If they manage to work their way inside, you’ll hear them in pipes, walls and in the ceiling.

Cockroaches are less frightening, but similarly repulsive pests. They’ll eat just about anything they need to in order to survive. Cockroaches like damp and dark areas, preferring to spend their time near bathrooms, kitchens, and pantries. You need to make sure that any food crumbs are cleaned properly, and that they don’t have easy access to your kitchen. Be careful with pet food too – that’s a paradise for cockroaches. Cover any cracks in window frames and double-check the areas under patio steps.

Ants will also be trying to find a way into your home to protect themselves against the cold. The problem with ants is that when you find one, you’ll find a lot. Their power in numbers is extremely impressive, but only when observed from afar. Again, it’s important to keep your cooking surfaces clean and store your food correctly. You’ll also need to seal up any cracks you may find in walls. Look out for ant nests on your property and double-check around concrete slabs in the yard. 

If you do happen to find a rodent, cockroach or ant in your home, you’re going to need pest control assistance to remove them.

How Truly Nolen Can Help

In spite of the warnings and advice, every single year we see a surge of pest activity in fall. Here at Truly Nolen, there’s nothing we haven’t seen before. We’ll deal with your pest control problem efficiently and effectively. Our experienced technicians use the best equipment available and by applying our unique treatment plan, we guarantee we’ll remove any pests you find in your home this fall.

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