Truly Nolen Canada

How Many Litters Do Rats Have a Year?

How Many Litters Do Rats Have a Year

You’ve seen the droppings. You’ve heard the scratching sounds late at night. You’ve noticed holes near your foundation. The one problem all of these signs point to is a rat. As your home rodent control Waterloo professionals, we’re here when you realize there’s an issue. While it may not seem too serious, rats do not live or travel alone, and there will always be more close by. How many more? You’d be surprised!

How Often Do Rats Breed?

Rats are like mice in that they breed all year round. They don’t wait for a warm or a cold season to bring more offspring into the world! The females can become pregnant as soon as they have weaned their previous litter, which is typically about 21 to 28 days after giving birth. They are pregnant for around three weeks, which means one rat could have an average of eight litters per year. You can see how this could get out of hand if even one female in the colony were breeding time after time, and the reality is there are often many females getting pregnant over and over again.

How Many Rats Are in One Litter?

One female rat can give birth to anywhere from three to 14 pups. Norway rats tend to have larger litters, maybe because the females can feed 12 at a time. Female roof rats only have the capacity to feed 10 pups, which is possibly why their litters tend to be smaller, at around five to eight babies per litter. If you do the math, you’ll realize one female rat could potentially produce between 30 and 100 babies each year and possibly more.

What Does This Mean for Your Home?

What does this alarming birth rate in rats mean for you? Well, if you have seen signs of rats in or around your home in Waterloo, it probably means you have a problem much larger than you might imagine. While not all pups grow to maturity, they do have a high survival rate after birth. Rats don’t move out after they’re grown, either. Instead, they stick around the nest, reproduce with other rats, and begin the process all over again. You could have dozens if not hundreds of rats living on your property without even knowing it.

What Should You Do About Breeding Rats?

If you realize you have a rodent problem in your home, the first thing you should know is that rats are dangerous. They harbour a wide range of diseases that can cause serious illnesses in pets and humans, so you should never go near them. Some things you can do to control rats in your home include:

Getting in Touch With a Home Rodent Control Waterloo Professional

At Truly Nolen, we are committed to helping your Waterloo home become a safe, sanitary haven away from the stresses of the world, including critter problems. Contact us today to schedule your rat inspection.

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