Burlington Pest Control: 4 Things You Should Know About the House Spider

Burlington Pest Control: 4 Things You Should Know About the House Spider

Every homeowner sees spiders in their house occasionally. Although these tiny creatures may look scary, they can actually be beneficial for your home. It’s important to understand when to leave arachnids alone inside your home and when to call an expert for spider removal in Burlington.

Millions of people have arachnophobia and are afraid of the spiders they find in their homes. If you panic every time you see an arachnid, there are some things you should know about the differences between indoor and outdoor spiders. Here are four facts you should know about common house spiders.

1. Not All House Spiders Look Alike

While there are more than 45,000 species of spiders found throughout the world, only about 1,400 of them are native to Canada. A small fraction live inside homes and are known as house spiders, but because there are several species that often thrive inside houses, the arachnids known as house spiders come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Some of the most common species that thrive in homes include:

  • Hobo spider
  • Domestic house spider
  • Cupboard spider
  • Giant house spider

2. Putting House Spiders Outside Could Kill Them

Some people prefer to practice humane methods of spider control and think that trapping an arachnid and releasing it outside is the best way to get it out of your house without harming it. What most people don’t know is that only about 5% of the spiders you find in your home have ever been outdoors. Most house spiders live inside for the entirety of their lives and cannot survive outdoors because they are not used to that environment.

3. House Spiders Don’t Pose Huge Danger

Although spiders have a scary reputation, very few species pose any real danger to humans. Common house spiders are not aggressive and only bite when they feel threatened. Even then, their venom is not potent enough to cause anything more than an irritating bite that may be itchy for a few days. There’s no reason to be afraid of the spiders you see in your home because they likely pose no danger to your health.

4. House Spiders Can Be Very Helpful

Spiders can be extremely helpful in controlling the population of other pests in your home. They consume a variety of smaller insects, including moths, earwigs, houseflies and mosquitoes. If you leave arachnids alone, they can keep your total pest population at bay so you don’t have to use harmful insecticides inside your house.

How Truly Nolen Helps With Spider Control

Many people are afraid of spiders and panic when they find an arachnid living inside their home. Our approach to spider control starts with knowledge. We want to help you recognize the spiders that can help with pest control in your home so you are not afraid of every arachnid you find.

If we do believe you are dealing with a full-blown spider infestation and need help to control the population of arachnids in your home, we use special chemicals to deter spiders. We want to cut down on the number of arachnids in your home so you don’t see them frequently and they don’t interfere with your life. We’ll do our best to control the population and keep spiders from overrunning your house.

Make an Appointment for Spider Removal in Burlington Today

If you are worried that you have a spider infestation in your Burlington home, you must contact an expert for spider removal. Truly Nolen Canada is here to help show you how to get rid of spiders when necessary and how to recognize the arachnids that can help keep your home free from other pests. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for spider pest control services.