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Guelph Pest Control: 5 Facts About House Spiders

Spider control in Guelph may be needed for house spiders

Spiders get a bad rap. They’re one of the most popular decorations for the spookiest holiday – Halloween, which makes many people scared of them. Technically speaking, spiders aren’t insects, but they often get lumped in with bugs that are pests. Spiders and insects are both invertebrates. Spiders belong to a group called the Arachnida. Other animals in this group include ticks, mites and scorpions. Spider control in Guelph can help you manage the population of spiders in your home.

Not All House Spiders Look Alike

House spiders come in many different shapes and sizes. Most commonly, they are brown, tan or grey with dark brown patterns. These unwanted guests may create messy webs that look awful but they are generally harmless. The brown recluse is one type of spider that does get in your attic or closets and is harmful, but they aren’t true house spiders. House spiders can bite humans when threatened, but they don’t have a poisonous bite.

If you do see one or two spiders in your home, they can actually help you by keeping the insect population down. Because a female house spider can lay over 3,500 eggs in her lifetime, if you start to see more than a few spiders in your home, it may be time to call in the experts.

Not All Spiders Are House Spiders

As mentioned, the brown recluse is a spider that can get into your home, but it isn’t considered a house spider. If you are bitten by a brown recluse, you should seek medical attention immediately as its venom is toxic at the site of the bite. These spiders are identified by the dark, violin-shaped mark on their body. 

Jumping spiders are about half an inch long, similar in colour to house spiders and have front legs that are longer in front. You may see them in your home in the day and they will be moving in quick jumps. Their bite is usually harmless, like a bee sting. 

Wolf spiders have bodies that are bigger than an inch. Although these spiders are considered very scary, they are harmless to humans. Some people even consider catching wolf spiders and using them as a pet.

House Spiders Aren’t Dangerous

House spiders eat insects and small creatures and will only bite humans when threatened. Yes, they have venom, but very few species can harm people through it. It is usually the spider that is the one who suffers if they get too close to a human. If you can, try to put them outside, far away from your house. If it is too close, it may be likely that they will just find their way back into your home.

House Spiders Are Helpful

Spiders are one of the most beneficial insects for gardening and agriculture. They eat aphids, moths and beetles. House spiders enjoy roaches, earwigs and mosquitoes, keeping the insect population to a minimum in your home. When you find a web, check under it to see what the spider has been eating. You’ll see whether the spider is pulling its weight or not in the mess of the remnants of the prey.

Manage House Spiders Humanely

Even though spiders can be helpful, you probably don’t want a spider infestation in your home. To prevent an infestation, keep your attic, basement and garage clutter-free and clean. Some spiders may still find a dark nook to make a home, but you don’t want to give them free-range through your home. Seal off cracks and crevices around the outside of your home to prevent entry. Don’t resort to pesticides, which have their own issues. You don’t have to smash spiders, either. If you find one in your bathtub, it likely got trapped because it couldn’t crawl back up the sides of the tub. Always try to gently catch it and release it back into nature.

If you are dealing with more than a few spiders in your home, contact our experts in spider control in Guelph. We can help you handle the problem to let you enjoy your home without sharing it with spiders and other pests.

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