Truly Nolen Canada

Hamilton Pest Control: What Damage Can Wasps Cause to Your Home?

Hamilton Pest Control: What Damage Can Wasps Cause to Your Home?

Hamilton Pest Control: What Damage Can Wasps Cause to Your Home?

When spring arrives in Hamilton, it means that insects emerge to find ideal locations to build new homes, and few are more enterprising and busy than wasps. Several species of this insect call Ontario home, and all of them build community hives. You may already want to keep wasps away from your home because of their aggressive tendencies and ability to deliver a painful sting, and at Truly Nolen, we can help keep these bugs away from your property with wasp pest control in Hamilton and provide you with some information about the possible damage they can do to your property. 

Wasp Nest-Building Habits 

When the weather warms, wasp queens emerge from their underground dens and find an ideal place to create a new nest. Once chosen, she begins to build a nest in several possible locations, including: 

Usually, only hornets build underground, but paper and mud-dauber wasps build exterior, oblong nests made of a mixture of mud, saliva and chewed wood fiber. Once wasps establish their colony on the exterior of your home, they may begin to cause some damage. 

Wasps Have Powerful Jaws 

You probably think of a wasp’s painful sting when you encounter a nest, but the species that live in the Hamilton area also have strong jaws and mandibles for chewing up material to make their nests, as well as for grasping and eating their prey. If they decide to build on the roof or upper siding of your home, they may eventually chew through the material and make their way into the interior walls. Over time, this can severely damage the wood and other building materials and give these insects a way to enter your home itself. 

They Can Cause Moisture Problems 

When wasp nests grow, the nectar the larvae produce to feed the adult members of the colony can make the entire structure moist. Moisture can cause several other issues inside your home including mould growth and the weakening of any structure they chew on. 

Because wasps have such powerful jaws, they can chew through caulking and other temporary seals you might use. Such sealants are not likely to deter these determined insects once they choose a nesting location. 

They Can Cause Electrical Issues 

Once wasps chew their way into your home, they may build nests behind the walls and near electrical wiring and insulation. They may even use insulation to create their nests, which can create gaps and cause your air conditioner to run more frequently and raise your electricity bill. 

When wasps chew into interior walls, the moisture of the nest may create a fire hazard because of its construction. The longer the nest goes unchecked, the greater the risk of a fire. 

Call Us for Residential Pest Control 

When you call us at Truly Nolen for wasp control, we have several different ways of ridding your home of these flying pests. First, we inspect your home for existing colonies and remove all nests. Then our technicians can create a customized plan that works for your property and includes sealing wasp entry points and creating a barrier around your home that discourages wasps from building nests on your property. Finally, we will arm you with tips for repelling wasps all spring and summer long, such as checking your window screens for tears and keeping water sources well away from where wasps might have the opportunity to build. 

Truly Nolen Can Help 

A wasp infestation can be a frightening and stressful experience, but we stand by to assist you. Schedule an inspection with us today and keep your Hamilton home safe from these winged invaders. 

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