Truly Nolen Canada

Kitchener Pest Removal: What to Do If You Get Bitten By a Mouse

Kitchener Pest Removal: What to Do If You Get Bitten By a Mouse

Kitchener Pest Removal: What to Do If You Get Bitten By a Mouse

Mice may look cute, but wild rodents can spread disease through feces, saliva, and urine. Also, pests mice may carry, including fleas, mites, and parasites, can spread disease and infection to humans. Thankfully, mice are not aggressive animals and tend to leave people alone, so unless you have a mouse infestation requiring the services of mice pest control in Kitchener, you have a low risk of exposure.

That said, a lower risk does not mean no risk. Some people misunderstand when pest control services explain that rodents are docile. They sometimes confuse docile for domestic, and they try to handle wild mice by hand, which is a mistake because mice will bite if they feel threatened.

Mice Pest Control in Kitchener Describes Dangers of Mouse Bites and Necessary First Aid

Like any wild animal, mice will try to defend themselves against perceived threats. A human picking them up and handling them is a threat, regardless of the human’s intentions. Mice cannot read a person’s thoughts to know if they mean harm. All the little, fragile critter sees is a larger predator grabbing at it.

People must be aware of the threat they pose to all wild animals and take precautions to avoid contact. Animal bites are dangerous, even when they come from tiny rodents.

1. Dangers of Mouse Bites

Mice can break the skin if they bite you, possibly drawing blood. While mouse bites are not usually serious, visiting a medical professional after the incident is wise.

A bite is a single puncture wound, and it may not bleed that much. It is not the initial injury that is cause for concern. Mice can carry and transmit bacteria and disease through their saliva. If the bite breaks the skin and causes bleeding, the bacteria can enter your bloodstream and spread infection.

Also, some people are allergic to rodents and rodent bites. Reactions can be mild to severe, anything from an itchy sensation near the bite to swelling and spreading rashes. An allergic reaction can sometimes become so severe it becomes deadly.

If you have mice around your house or property, you may want to look into what is the best pest control to get rid of mice. Some of the diseases mice can transmit include:

2. Actions To Take After a Bite

The professionals at Truly Nolen, one of the preeminent services for mice pest control in Kitchener, recommend that people who experience a mouse bite should take several actions upon injury. First, the person should immediately clean the injury site with soap and warm water. After washing the site, they can apply an antibiotic cream and sterile bandage.

Because of the risks associated with rodent bites, anyone bitten by a mouse should see their primary care physician. The doctor may provide antibiotics to limit the risks of an infection.

3. Avoiding Mice and Their Bites

Never handle wild mice. The best way to avoid bites is to keep your distance from the animal. Contact pest control near me for mice and allow professionals to handle removal.

Truly Nolen: Mice Pest Control in Kitchener

Mice look cute and have a calm demeanour when not scurrying about. Neither attribute means the rodent is safe to handle. Like all rodents, mice can carry several diseases and bacteria that they can transmit to humans.

While mice do not seek out violence, they will protect themselves when they feel threatened. If you have mice on your property or in your home, do not attempt DIY treatments or removals. Call Truly Nolen Canada and request mice pest control in Kitchener.

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