Truly Nolen Canada

Toronto Pest Control: The DIY Dangers of Using Ant Spray

Toronto Pest Control: The DIY Dangers of Using Ant Spray

DIY pest control methods are usually ineffective and potentially hazardous, especially when dealing with ant infestations. Many consumer products are generalized pesticides, meaning they might not touch an infestation. Carpenter ants, for example, require specific and targeted treatments to eliminate the colonies, which is why it is best to hire carpenter ant pest control in Toronto.

People often choose DIY methods because they want quick and cheap treatment options. Unfortunately, homeowners often spend more money in their haste because they use the wrong treatments. Also, in using the improper treatments, homeowners must spend time researching the right ones, taking more time than if they had only called professionals to begin with.

The Dangers of Ant Spray

Besides the ineffectiveness of DIY options, many homeowners overlook the hazards of commercial pesticides. Ant spray is a unique and hazardous substance that may include chemicals such as imiprothrin and cypermethrin. Knowing the dangers of such treatments is crucial to keeping your family and pets safe.

1. Potentially Dangerous for Children and Pets

Not all ant treatments are DIY-friendly. Some people have a misconception that because a product is available in a store, it is automatically safe for use. All pesticides include chemicals and substances with risks. Before using anything on your property, you must read the warnings and use directions.

Many pesticides may say they are safe to use around children and pets, but on closer inspection of the directions, it states the products must dry thoroughly before allowing children or pets access to the areas. If you allow kids to enter the site before the product dries, they may experience dizziness, headaches, nausea, and weakness.

Also, some people, including children, might be allergic to ant spray. The symptoms of an allergy can include pain, itching, swelling, redness, or blistering. If a child or pet inhales the substance, they may experience wheezing, difficulty breathing, tightness of the chest, coughing, or an asthma attack. Allergic reactions can worsen or become life-threatening without medical intervention. 

2. Ineffective Treatment

Regarding DIY residential pest control treatments for carpenter ants, most options are ineffective. Treatments are only effective when they can treat the entire colony. Unfortunately, carpenter ant colonies are widespread, resulting in colony segmentation with DIY treatments.

Professionals and commercial treatments reduce the risk of segmentation and target the entire colony. By focusing on the whole colony, pest control experts can limit colony separation and target the queen.

3. Does Not Resolve Underlying Problem

Spraying a store-bought pesticide around an ant hill or opening is not the same as commercial treatment. A spray or liquid is unlikely to affect the entire colony. Sure, it may eliminate many ants close to the colony opening, but it will likely not extend past that. Also, most colonies will have several entrances. The colony will probably survive if you do not seal or treat every entrance.

Even if you manage to eliminate an existing colony, you might not resolve the underlying problem. Why did the ants find your property suitable for a colony in the first place? For carpenter ants, the answer is likely about exposed wood and damp wood. You must resolve the motivation behind the initial infestation if you wish to prevent it from happening again. 

Most property owners do not know why an infestation occurs and only want a quick fix to treat the problem. A professional pest control service wants to help you resolve the current issues while simultaneously uncovering and repairing any underlying issues. Contact Truly Nolen Canada to schedule an inspection of your property. The team can identify the species, the proper and safe treatment options for current infestation levels, and pest prevention strategies for year-round protection.

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