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Toronto Pest Control: How to Get Rid of Rats in a Shed

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Toronto Pest Control How to Get Rid of Rats in a Shed

The scurrying of a rat across the floor of your shed can be scary. Not only is the sudden, unexpected motion startling, but it tells you that you have a serious problem that has to be addressed with pest control in Toronto immediately. 

Why Might Rats Live in Your Shed?

It is advantageous for rodents to live near humans. The buildings we construct can provide them with easy access to food and shelter from inclement weather and predators. However, rats don’t necessarily want to live right in human homes. They are suspicious of humans and know that people can do them harm. Therefore, if they find what they need in an infrequently trafficked outbuilding of your property, such as a shed, they may prefer to make their home there rather than inside your house. In either case, a rat infestation is dangerous and requires professional pest control in Toronto to resolve. 

How Can You Keep Rats Out of Your Shed?

One of the most basic ways to keep rats out of your shed is to pre-emptively restrict their access. Inspect the walls and ceilings for small holes or cracks that may provide access. Do not underestimate the ability of rats to compress their bodies and fit through incredibly small spaces. Hinged ribs allow rats to compress their bodies into small holes, so as long as the hole is big enough for their skulls to fit through, a rat can get in. Even if a hole is too small, rats have very sharp teeth and an inborn need to gnaw on things, so they may be able to make the hole big enough by chewing the sides. If you find damage to your shed that could provide potential entry points to rats, you need to repair them or block them off so that they cannot get in. Use sturdy materials that rats cannot chew through.  

Even if a rat can get into your shed, it is unlikely to linger if it cannot get what it needs. Rats need places to hide, which are easier to find in a cluttered shed, so you should get rid of anything you don’t need and organize the contents. Rats also need food, so you should dispose of any garbage in the shed. If you store anything in your shed that rats could eat, use sturdy containers with tight-sealing lids that they can’t chew through. Rats are omnivorous and can eat almost anything, so if you store anything like pet food, birdseed, plant bulbs, or grass seed, it needs to be protected from rodents. Plastic containers may not be strong enough, so opt for metal receptacles that can stand up to rats’ relentless gnawing. 

Why Shouldn’t You Attempt Rodent Pest Control in Toronto by Yourself?

In the first place, rats are dangerous. They may not seem very threatening because of their relatively small size, but they do have long claws and sharp teeth. Rats are not usually aggressive, but if they feel threatened, they can bite and scratch to defend themselves. While rats are not known to spread rabies to humans, there is still a chance that you could be exposed to pathogens if a rat’s saliva gets into your bloodstream. Rats also spread illnesses through their urine and carry fleas and other parasites that can spread disease. 

Another reason not to attempt DIY rat removal is that it may not work in the long term. Effective pest control requires a deep understanding of rodents’ behaviours. If you simply relocate the rats without killing them and without sealing up their entry points, they are tenacious and likely to just keep coming back. 

How Does Truly Nolen Help With Pest Control in Toronto for Rodents?

Truly Nolen has decades of experience in rat removal. We know their patterns of behaviour and use this knowledge to remove them effectively from your property. Contact us for more information. 

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