Truly Nolen Canada

Toronto Pest Removal: What Do Spiders Eat?

What Do Spiders Eat

Spiders are found all over the world in the wild and inside buildings and residential homes. At Truly Nolen, we offer homeowners and business owners pest control in Toronto for spiders and other insects. Understanding the behaviour of spiders and other creatures that may be inside your home is crucial if you want to prevent an infestation. Keeping spiders out and making sure they don’t return means we have to understand their habits and diet. Here’s a primer on what spiders eat!

Interesting Spider Facts

Spiders are truly fascinating creatures. Even though many people consider them bugs, they are technically arachnids, not insects. They live on every continent of the globe except for Antarctica. Additionally, all spiders have the ability to make silk, but not all spiders spin webs. Some spiders are venomous, but most spiders you find in your home are completely harmless. Most spiders prefer to hide in dark, quiet areas of the home where they won’t be disturbed, such as attics and basements.


So, what do spiders eat? The answer depends on the species of spider. Some spider species are carnivores and others are vegetarians. For many spider species, insects are their food of choice.

The most common method of getting insects as food for spiders is to spin a web. The web acts as a net or a trap for flying insects or other bugs that get a little too close. The spider can then consume the trapped insect. Some burrowing spiders shoot webs at insect prey to trap and disable the bug.

Flower Nectar

Some spiders also enjoy adding some variety to their diet with plant matter. Just like bees, spiders can also ingest plant materials to give them some energy and nutrition. Spiders may eat leaves, stems, sap, pollen, seeds and nectar.

Spiders have been seen eating nectar in the wild. Spiders in labs also flock to flowering plants with nectar. They may be drawn to these plants that have nectar even if they aren’t herbivores.

Their Mate

Another phenomenon that is seen with some species of spiders is eating their own kind. Some female spiders will consume a male spider after mating. The female spider gets the extra nutrition to help her provide sustenance to her young.

In some cases, the male spider can prevent getting eaten by his female mate if he offers her some food. Male spiders have been observed giving female mates insects before and after mating, which has helped them survive the deadly pairing.


Finally, worms are also part of a spider’s diet. The most common type of worm that a spider eats is the earthworm. Earthworms are plentiful for spiders that burrow in the ground, and they provide an easy boost of energy and nutrition.

Most spider species will not pursue and hunt the earthworm. Earthworms may be too large to get caught in their webs, and hunting spiders may not see the slow-moving earthworm as a prey animal. However, a hungry spider may eat just about any type of insect or meat.

Pest Control in Toronto for Spiders

If you have spiders in your attic, basement, bathroom, kitchen or garage, you need a spider removal strategy to keep them from reproducing and becoming more of a problem. Truly Nolen Canada has a pest control procedure that takes their eating habits and behavioural patterns into account.

Do you have a spider infestation or have you seen a few spiders crawling around your home? Let us inspect your space and determine if there is a problem. At Truly Nolen Canada, we can help keep spiders and other pests out of your home or business. Contact us today to find out what we can do.

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