Truly Nolen Canada

Waterloo Pest Removal: Signs There is a Wasp Nest in Your Home

Waterloo Pest Removal: Signs There is a Wasp Nest in Your Home

Waterloo Pest Removal: Signs There is a Wasp Nest in Your Home

As a Waterloo homeowner, the sight of wasps hovering around your porch or nesting in the eaves over your doorway is usually a cause for alarm; however, what happens when you see wasps in your attic or dead specimens on or around a windowsill? These signs could mean you have a wasp nest inside your home, and at Truly Nolen, we offer wasp control in Waterloo that removes these dangerous insects and keeps them away from your property during warmer weather. Take a closer look at other signs that could indicate you are dealing with a wasp infestation.

Strange Noises Inside the Walls

Wasps make different types of noises, and the sounds of a nest construction may alert you to their presence. As the nest grows, unseen, you may hear strange crackling noises, like paper rustling. Many species of wasps in Canada make their homes from paper pulp, which consists of chewed wood and the wasps’ saliva. These noises may increase as the nest grows.

Wasp Activity Near a Hole or Crevice

Wasps may find their way into your attic or heating and cooling vents. This allows them to build a nest out of the summer heat, but they must still carry nesting material into the space they choose. You may see wasp activity near these openings, including:

You may wonder how to get rid of wasps you cannot see or if you suspect them of nesting somewhere you cannot reach with commercial insect spray. Calling in our experienced exterminators can help you locate the nest and remove it safely.

Seeing Wasps Indoors

Seeing live wasps inside your home is a likely sign you have a nest behind a wall or in a vent. Drone wasps that collect food and nesting material are on the move most of the day and reach their most active peak just before sundown.

When a nest grows to a point where you can hear wasp activity and see live wasps in one area, such as your attic, you may consider searching for the nest yourself. Contacting Truly Nolen for wasp control in Waterloo can help you evict these stinging insects without putting you or your family at risk.

The Dangers of Do-It-Yourself Wasp Removal

Some stinging insects only use their built-in weapons when provoked or threatened and may die right after, such as honeybees, but wasps can sting continuously and will do so if they feel threatened. Most wasp species tend toward aggression, especially if you disturb the nest.

Trying to remove a wasp nest inside your home can result in a terrifying swarm of angry, stinging insects that may attack anyone nearby. Our exterminators have both the tools and the know-how to remove an indoor wasp nest and identify entry points that allowed them in. This keeps everyone in the area safe during the removal.

Is Wasp Control in Waterloo Affordable?

When you look up “affordable wasp control near me,” you may wonder what type of services you can afford and whether year-round wasp treatment is a worthy investment. At Truly Nolen, we offer a variety of wasp removal services at prices almost any homeowner can afford. Year-round pest treatment can prevent repeat infestations at sites where wasps may return in the future, although they do not use old hives and always create new ones once a wasp queen chooses the location. Regular treatment of your Waterloo property can prevent these dangerous, aggressive insects from choosing your home as a nesting site each spring.

Contact Us for Wasp Removal Today

If you suspect you have a wasp nest inside your Waterloo home, it can cause you a great deal of anxiety and stress. If you notice any of the tell-tale signs we mentioned, it would be wise to contact the team at Truly Nolen for professional wasp removal services before the problem gets worse. Contact us today for more information regarding our services and let us remove dangerous insects for you.

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