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Pest Control Tips For Your Home This Spring

Pest Control Tips For Your Home This Spring

“Spring cleaning” is a term that has a lot of weight. When winter goes away, everything springs back to life and that includes wildlife and pests. Conducting a spring cleaning session can greatly reduce the chances of your home becoming infected by rodents or insects. Avoiding to tackle this task will likely cause the need to call for professional residential pest control services soon after.

Here Are The Most Common Places To Inspect When Looking To Safeguard Your Home From Pests

Take a look at some of the hot spots to pay attention to when getting started with your spring cleaning session:

• The bathrooms;
• The basement;
• The kitchen;
• Outdoors.

The Bathrooms Are A Good Place To Start

When it comes to residential pest control, keep in mind that a number of pests are attracted to moisture. Pests like silverfish or cockroaches find areas like your bathroom to have ideal conditions to thrive. Cleaning out the medicine cabinet and washing your shower curtain are considered standard practice. But, try to also browse around your sink, bathtub, and shower for any moisture issues. If you do find some it may be worth calling a professional for help to fix that problem.

The basement is almost guaranteed to have pests lurking around

Because they are usually filled with a lot of clutter and have plenty of dark corners, basements are ideal for spiders, rodents and more. The safest bet here is to try to eliminate some of the clutter in the process of conducting residential pest control. Opt for plastic bins with a secure lid instead of cardboard boxes when storing items. Similarly, either recycle or choose an air-tight container to store old files, newspapers, and magazines.

Your kitchen is most attractive to pests and Is the number 1 reason for needing professional residential pest control services

Why? It contains a constant and easily available source of food and water. A thorough spring cleaning routine is the best way to go here. The first step is to ensure there is no regular sticky residue from liquid spills or leftover breadcrumbs anywhere. These attract ants, mice, and other pests. Kitchen pantries are an ideal hiding space that can house pests like rice weevils, flour beetles, cigarette beetles and Indian meal moths. Get rid of stale spices and transfer all foods to glass jars with tightly sealed lids.

Once you’re done with the indoors, move onto the outdoors

Your property can be equally inviting to pests as your home. A good place to start involves repairing any rotted shingles and roof fascia on your home since some pests love deteriorating wood. Fixing ripped door and window screens, as well as loose mortar around them are the next logical steps. If you have a garden, prune away any shrubs or trees close to your home to deny access to pests who would use them to enter your living space. Plenty of insects can be found in rotted tree stumps, make sure to get rid of those as well.

Truly Nolen is the way to go for residential pest control services

Truly Nolen has been in the pest control and removal business for more than half a century. They have tons of experience when it comes to professionally removing, sanitizing and proofing homes and properties against wildlife re-entry. If you are looking for a company to effectively and reliably help you solve your pest problem, look no further than Truly Nolen!

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