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Residential Pest Control Winter Myths

Residential Pest Control Winter Myths

There are myths for just about anything you can think of. Residential pest control is the same, and many of the traditional myths involve pest control in winter. Some of these myths are downright laughable, and most people will be able to see through them. But some of them are more believable. If you fall for the wrong myth, then you could be setting yourself up for a pest control disaster this winter.

We’re going to debunk three of the most common winter residential pest control myths. We’ll also share some tips on how to stop pests from getting inside your home properly. You can enjoy winter without worrying about any silly myths and really focus on the important things during the festive season.

Pests Hibernate, So You Can Forget About Them Until Spring

This is one of the most damaging residential pest control myths out there. Pests do not hibernate. Sure, some of them enter their own insect-version of hibernation known as diapause, and some of them do disappear when the temperatures plummet. However, many other pests will remain active and wreak havoc throughout your home in winter.

If you try to forget all about pests during winter, you’ll get a rude reminder of the damage they can cause. You might spot an ant trail leading to your kitchen counter, or cockroach droppings in your pantry. Even worse, you might hear mice and rats scurrying around your attic or between the walls. They’ll be stealing your food, bringing disease into your home and potentially even creating fire hazards.

Cold Temperatures Kill Pests 

This one is partly true. Cold temperatures can kill pests. But they know that better than you do, and they do everything they can do avoid extreme temperatures. Your home, garage, sheds, and even woodpiles help them to avoid the cold.

Pests also use a few techniques to see them through winter. Diapause is a hibernation-like condition where insects (like wasps) reduce their metabolism and activities. They’re not completely inactive, but they feed less frequently and sleep as much as possible, hidden from human interaction. Other insects like ladybugs and caterpillars can crystallize the liquids inside their body and freeze completely during winter, thawing and resuming normal activities in spring. Just like they do in sci-fi movies.

There’s Only a Problem When You Actually See Pests

This one absolutely is not true. Some people believe that there isn’t a pest control problem until they discover a pest staring back at them. Once it gets to this stage, sadly, you’ve probably already got a pretty serious pest infestation somewhere inside your home.

There are several microscopic pests living inside your home that you won’t even see during their entire lifecycle. Spiders are also the masters of stealth, and you’ll only ever see them when they’re looking to breed.

If you spot other pests like rodents, cockroaches, and wasps inside your home during winter, then you’re dealing with a serious pest invasion. Many pests are quick breeders and once they establish a suitable nest, they won’t hang around. A female rat, for instance, can give birth to up to 8 baby rats in as little as three weeks.

As always, prevention is key. Seal up any potential entry points that you think pests could use. Cracks, gaps, and holes must get the attention they need, including around your windows and doors. Store your food correctly, and try not to leave piles of clutter anywhere. It’s also worth making sure that you dispose of your waste properly and that garbage is sealed so that pests don’t have easy access there either.

If you are worried that these simple methods aren’t enough to keep out insects or rodents, call the residential pest control experts at Truly Nolen. Our team is ready to solve any pest problem you may have.

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