Truly Nolen Canada

Seven Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Pest Free This Spring

Ants  on a honeysuckle
Ants on a honeysuckle

With spring here, you may be noticing an influx of pests around your property. During the winter months bugs, like mammals, enjoy hibernating until the weather warms up. With the El Nino winter Canada experienced this year, resulting in milder weather than usual; pests are popping up even earlier than anticipated. Fortunately, preparing your home correctly by following the 7 steps below and keeping an eye out for signs of invasion can help you keep your home pest-free all year long.

1: Commit to Making Seasonal Checks

• Inspect your home each season and look for cracks where pests and rodents could easily crawl through and repair them.
• Check your windows and doors as well and seal any edges that might have cracks. This will make your home more energy efficient as well.
• Remove large piles of leaves and wood debris from your yard as insects and rodents will use these spaces for warmth and shelter. The soil underneath these piles becomes moist and will attract rodents.
• Store firewood away from your home as well as this will attract ants and rodents.

2: Deep Clean Your Kitchen

While even a spotless home might still have insect problems, a pest issue is greatly reduced when a kitchen is kept clean.
• Keep your kitchen sink clear of dirty dishes and your counter free of food.
• Sweep floors to remove any crumbs that might have fallen during meal prep.
• Take the trash out regularly. Keep the trash container in your home tightly sealed.

3: Keep up on any outdoor areas that may lead pests into your home

Trim back the trees and bushes outside of your home. Animals such as squirrels and raccoons will use tree branches to access your roof and make their way into your attic space. Consider hiring a tree trimming service to avoid providing these pests with access to your home. Your recycling bins and garbage cans should be sealed and stored away from the home. If you compost, use a sealed compost container and keep it as far away from your home as possible.

4: Control Excess Moisture

Water is a magnet for insects and rodents. Stay on top of plumbing leaks, roof leaks, or gutter leaks to keep rodents from being attracted to your home. Over watering your lawn can also be attractive to rodents.

5: De-clutter storage and living areas

Avoid using cardboard for storage in basements, attics, and garages, as these are areas pests like to build homes in. Instead, use tightly sealed plastic containers and bins to keep rodents and other pests from making their homes among your stored items. Pay attention to clothes piled in closets and storage rooms as these areas are a common hiding spot. Also make sure to clean out any spider webs that may have accumulated.

6: Try a dehumidifier

Basements can get particularly damp in the warmer months, providing a haven for centipedes, silverfish, and other pests. A dehumidifier can remove excess moisture.

7: Schedule regular inspections

Consider scheduling seasonal inspections with a pest control company to make sure that your home is secure and pests are staying out of your home. These inspections should include perimeter checks of your home as well as indoor. By doing this you will ensure that no problem is ever too big to fix.

With the arrival of spring also bringing an increase in pest activity,

Truly Nolen’s service experts kick things into high gear with more aggressive and proactive treatment methods.

Be proactive in the fight against pests; call Truly Nolen today for your free inspection! 1-855-878-7859

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