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Social Vs Solitary Wasps: Their Attributes

With over 30,000 identified species of wasps, it can be overwhelming to learn information about each specific one. This means that tailoring your DIY approach in order to get rid of that huge wasp nest on your porch, attic or property is virtually impossible. There are some crucial facts about wasps you should be aware of if attempting DIY wasp control. Please keep in mind that wasps are not to be taken lightly and that a professional pest control service is the preferred option.

Wasp Control 101: Social Vs Solitary Wasps

There are two primary subgroups of wasps: social and solitary.

A queen starts a social wasp colony each spring from scratch thanks to the fact that she was fertilized the previous year and hibernated in a warm place during the winter. Upon first emerging, she will rear a starter brood of worker females and build a small nest. These are the workers that will then continue to expand the nest by constructing six-sided cells for the queen to continue laying eggs. A colony of social wasps can grow to more than 5,000 individuals by late summer. However, the entire colony will die off at winter, with only the newly fertilized queens surviving the cold weather to restart the entire process from scratch next spring.

On the other hand, solitary wasps do not form colonies and are the largest subgroup of wasps by far. Some of the largest members of the wasp family belong to this subgroup. Examples include the striking blue-and-orange tarantula hawks and cicada killers, both of whom can grow up to 3.8 centimetres in length. Stinging solitary wasps will rely on their venom to hunt, while social wasps use their stingers for defense purposes only.

If DIY Wasp Nest Removal Fails, You Always Have Truly Nolen To Turn To

Ensuring your pest control measures do not go to waste means researching insect and pest information, such as learning the difference between social and solitary wasps. But, there is much more to effective wasp control than merely becoming informed. If your DIY efforts should fail, remember that you can always turn to Truly Nolen for help. Truly Nolen has decades of experience in dealing with wasp and other insect infestations. Their experts have proper training and a professional, customized approach to each individual intervention and home, which ensures a 100% success rate. Call Truly Nolen today and let the professionals deal with those pesky wasps quickly and reliably.

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