Truly Nolen Canada

The Importance of Decontamination After a Rodent Infestation

The Importance of Decontamination After a Rodent Infestation

The Importance of Decontamination After a Rodent Infestation

You’ve just experienced an event you never wished for: a rodent infestation. When you check your traps and find them empty, you wonder if this is the end of your role in the rat or mouse removal process. Though the active infestation may be over, you still have an important job to complete.

Decontamination is essential after rodent removal to ensure a safe, healthy home. Learn more about how to decontaminate your residence without putting your health at risk in the following guide.

Why Decontamination After an Infestation Is Necessary

Rats, mice, and other creatures enjoy making your home their own. They live, breed, and create nests in your attics, crawlspace, basements, and sometimes even inside your walls. They’ll make nests in your insulation, chew through your wiring, and walk along just about any surface (including your cabinets and kitchen countertops) as they look for food.

During an active infestation, you may be worried about mouse or rat control — and the damage the pests are doing to your property. After you’ve caught, trapped, or eradicated them all, you should turn your attention to cleaning up the mess they’ve left behind. Rodents can spread several different pathogens including hantavirus, salmonella, and rat-bite fever. As you may suspect, none of these are pleasant to get. Many of these diseases have serious health consequences.

3 Tips for Safely Decontaminating Your Space

Are you unsure of the right procedure for safely removing rodent droppings from your home? Consider these tips for decontamination that don’t put your health at risk.

1. Wear Protective Equipment

It’s not always a good idea to tackle this job yourself. If you do choose to begin without the help of pest control services, the CDC advises that you wear personal protective equipment such as rubber gloves, a mask that can filter out small particles, and possibly goggles and shoe covers if you’re working in a very dirty area. 

It’s important to note that if you have a suppressed immune system, you’re pregnant, or you have any medical condition that affects your breathing, you shouldn’t be cleaning up after a rodent infestation. 

2. Follow Safety Guidelines

Experts warn against vacuuming mouse droppings so you don’t release any airborne pathogens. You shouldn’t sweep them with a broom or wipe them up with a paper towel until you’ve disinfected the space, either.

Be sure you’re wearing your safety mask and gloves before you begin. Air out the room, disinfect the necessary areas, and only then should you disturb any feces and urine your unwanted rodent guests have left behind.

3. Hire Professionals

DIY cleanup can be frustrating as well as dangerous to your health. Rodents are infamous for creating large messes and even destroying parts of your property. If you’ve seen extensive areas of damage, it should come as no surprise that there are also more places to clean. 

It can be difficult to find the nests and hideouts necessary for rodent removal, and sometimes it can be just as difficult to locate all the feces and urine they have left behind. Mouse urine has a distinct smell, but it’s not always easy to see.

If you have questions about decontaminating your home after a rodent infestation or if you’re not sure you can do the job safely, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Call a professional for thorough cleanup and peace of mind.

Contact Truly Nolen To Learn More

Get in touch with Truly Nolen to learn more about the decontamination and pest control services we offer. Schedule your inspection today! We look forward to helping you return your home to a place of safety and comfort.

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