Truly Nolen Canada

When Does Wasp Season End?

Wasp Season

In the peak of summer, their numbers are high and large swarms can be terrifying. It’s hard to believe that wasp season will ever end. They’re a constant frustration in the back yard and a nuisance at barbecues. When the temperatures start to drop though, wasps will become less common outdoors. They seek shelter for a cold winter ahead and though you may not believe it, wasp season will end.

In today’s article, we’re going to look at when wasp season ends and why. We’ll have a look at how their behaviour can change during the end of summer and fall, and how you can protect yourself from them. Usually, the best way to do that is with professional wasp control assistance.

When Does the Wasp Season End?

Incredibly, there are more than 500 species of wasp in Canada. We can’t detail the life cycle, habits and behaviors or every wasp, but we’ll generalize for most species and cover the more common patterns.

The end of wasp ‘season’ usually coincides with the arrival of winter. Wasps aren’t designed for cold weather, and it’s difficult to find any food at all. The queen – top of the wasp hierarchy – will find a dry, warm and safe shelter for winter. She’ll hibernate in the hope that she survives until spring, though this is far from guaranteed. If and when she does re-emerge, she’ll quickly get busy building a new nest.

Once the first wasp larvae become adults, they’ll become worker wasps and help feed the queen, her larvae and build the nest. She’ll be busy laying more eggs, and the wasp nest will quickly grow in size for summer. Then the wasp season ends, and the whole process is repeated. Unfortunately, when we’re at our most active in the summertime, so are wasps.

Does Wasp Behaviour Change?

There are noticeable differences in wasp behaviour though, depending on the season. In springtime there’s lots of food and the first worker wasps are extremely busy. They’re doing everything they can to support the new colony and as that grows, their nest must grow too. In the middle of summer, their numbers have grown even further. Toward the end of summer, wasp numbers are at their highest in the whole cycle. This is when a wasp colony is at its strongest and has the greatest power in numbers. 

Although they’re able to defend themselves with more force, there’s now a limited food supply. Plants and other wildlife begin to prepare for winter, and there isn’t enough food to go round. Wasps, like us, can become grumpy when they’re hungry. As the temperatures drop and winter arrives, that hunger is likely to make them aggressive. The wasps will still be searching for every scrap of food they can find, but they’ll also be doing their best to make sure that the queen wasp is at her strongest before hibernation. That way, she has the best possible chances of surviving winter. So if they think you’re getting just a little too close to their colony, they’ll defend it with more power at the end of the season.

Protect Yourself from Wasp Invasions

There are all sorts of things you can do to protect yourself from a wasp invasion. These might be things like fixing any holes and gaps around the home, storing all of your waste correctly or avoiding leaving sugary drinks unattended. The best way to protect yourself is to speak to our talented Truly Nolen team. We’re experts when it comes to wasp control, and our unique Four Season’s approach means that we have a solution for a wasp infestation no matter the season.

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