Truly Nolen Canada

4 Obvious Signs of a Spider Infestation

spider infestation

4 Obvious Signs of a Spider Infestation

If you see a spider in your home, is it just a random occurrence, or is it an infestation that requires spider control? It can sometimes be difficult to tell if you have a spider infestation because of the way that they like to hide in dark, quiet places. Nevertheless, they do leave behind indications of their presence.

Here are some signs that you may need spider removal because of an infestation.

1. Multiple Spider Sightings

If you see one spider, it could be lost or just passing through, but more likely, it is living in your home, and it probably isn’t alone. Spiders come into homes looking for food and dark, musty places to hide. Once there, they are likely to stay and lay eggs. Most of the spiders found in homes were born inside.

Seeing one spider is a sign that you need to look out for more. If you see multiple spiders, they are probably part of an infestation.

2. Webs

All spiders have the ability to produce silk. Over half of all spider species use their silk to spin webs. The webbing is sticky so that if an insect flies into it or steps on it, it becomes trapped. The spider can then eat the trapped insects. If you are finding a lot of webs around your home, they are signs of an infestation. This is especially true if the webs keep reappearing in the same places after you clean them up. Once a spider has found a good place to catch food, it doesn’t want to give it up, and it doesn’t take much effort for the spider to rebuild a web once it has been destroyed.

3. Egg Sacs

Another way that spiders use their webbing is by spinning sacs that they put their eggs inside. Spider egg sacs look like small white balls of cotton or felt. They are usually in protected areas, such as corners or crawlspaces, often in or near an active web. A spider egg sac can be either the start of a new infestation or the continuation of an existing one. On average, a sac can contain approximately 400 spider eggs. While some may leave to find other places to live, others will stay in your home and start reproducing and laying eggs of their own once they mature. While some species of spiders only lay eggs once a year, others can produce multiple egg sacs during the same time period, resulting in an even bigger infestation.

4. Large Numbers of Flying Insects

Spiders feed on insects, and like most animals, they tend to settle down and make homes where food is most plentiful. Spiders will eat just about anything in their webs, but flying insects are most likely to become trapped. If you have ever walked into a spider web yourself, you know that they are delicate and hard to see. The same is true for flying insects, which is why they are vulnerable to becoming trapped in spider webs.

For this reason, if you see a lot of flying insects around your home, it means that you could soon have a spider infestation if you do not already. If you do not see a lot of flying insects but there are other signs of a spider infestation, it means that the spiders are successful at catching food and reducing the number of insects around your home.

Call Truly Nolen for Comprehensive Spider Control

If you have a spider infestation, it usually means that you have an insect infestation as well. Spider removal without getting rid of the insects is an incomplete and temporary solution. Truly Nolen technicians perform an evaluation to determine the extent of your problem and get rid of the primary insect infestation first. Once the insects and arachnids are gone, we then take spider prevention steps to keep them from coming back. Learn more about our spider control services.

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