How To Prevent Your Child From Bringing Bed Bugs Home From School

The thought of your child unwittingly escorting bed bugs into the sanctity of your home can be unsettling. Knowing what bed bugs look like on sheets is the first line of defence against these stubborn pests. Taking proactive steps to educate your family about bed bug detection and promoting cautionary habits can significantly reduce the … Continue reading How To Prevent Your Child From Bringing Bed Bugs Home From School

3 Businesses That Need Pest Control The Most

Longer summers and milder winters lead to pest population growth. Think your business is safe? Pests don’t discriminate. Many businesses need commercial pest control more than residential customers. Pests create health hazards. Even if you’re not a restaurant, you have to be aware of any problems that could impact your customers. Pests can put your … Continue reading 3 Businesses That Need Pest Control The Most

When is Professional Pest Control Necessary?

Professional pest control services are necessary whenever critters overrun your home or business. Even when rodents or insects are only lingering around the outside of your property, it is still a good idea to call professional pests or mice removal to the scene. Pest control services are not only mitigation companies; they also help home … Continue reading When is Professional Pest Control Necessary?

The Dangers of Leaving a Wasp Infestation Untreated

Call wasp pest control services when you notice increased activity around your home or see a nest on your property. Leaving a wasp infestation untreated can cause property damage and injury. Wasps are aggressive and defensive. A person or pet that gets too close to a nest is likely seen as a threat, provoking the … Continue reading The Dangers of Leaving a Wasp Infestation Untreated

3 Types of Spiders You May Find In Your Mississauga Home

Spiders are a common household pest that can cause fear and anxiety for many people. While most spiders are harmless, there are a few species that can pose a danger to humans. Mississauga is home to at least three frequent invaders including the Yellow Gardener Spider, Cross Orb Weaver, and Black Footed Spider. None of … Continue reading 3 Types of Spiders You May Find In Your Mississauga Home

3 Reasons For Regular Residential Pest Inspections

People are generally aware that many commercial businesses, particularly dining establishments, undergo regular pest control services. However, residential pest control is just as crucial for several reasons similar to those that make commercial pest control a smart move. Here are a few reasons why regular residential pest inspections and residential pest control services are such … Continue reading 3 Reasons For Regular Residential Pest Inspections

Burlington Pest Control: How Dangerous Are Carpenter Ants?

Carpenter ants are dangerous because they chew through wood, including structural and framing beams of your home. While there are approximately 24 species of carpenter ants, the most significant threat is the black carpenter ant. You will want to contact residential pest control services in Burlington if you suspect a carpenter ant infestation. Carpenter ants … Continue reading Burlington Pest Control: How Dangerous Are Carpenter Ants?