Truly Nolen Canada

Carpenter ant identification.

Ants look like ants. It’s hard to process that there’s many different species. They all seem to do and look the same. However, some can be destructive to your home. So, it’s beneficial to know different types of ants.  

Carpenter ant appearance.

Carpenter ants are commonly black ranging in hues from red to yellow. Approximately one inch long they’re about five times larger than a typical pavement ant. They only have a single smaller segment between the thorax and abdomen. Compared to other ants who have multiple. Upper side of the thorax is smooth and round. Can be spotted with wings. Properly identifying carpenter ants can be difficult without close inspection.

What their nests look like.

Carpenter ant nests are intricate avenues of hollowed out wood. Unlike the messy termite, these ants are quite clean. The wood will appear smooth. And they remove all saw dust and debris. They prefer moist wood and you’re most likely to spot carpenter ants on or near decks, porches, windows or roofs. Anywhere that’s exposed to weather. An ideal location will provide protection from predators and gusty weather while providing easy access to a food source.

Signs of carpenter ant infestation.

– Presence of workers ants.
– Piles of wood shavings beneath wooden items.
– Faint rustling noise.
– Large winged ants from ceilings and walls.

Potential carpenter ant damage.

Luckily carpenter ants don’t eat wood. They just dig it out for nesting. However, this still weakens wooden structures. An infestation can result in months of ants digging away at main structural pillars and beams. This can cause significant damage when left for too long. Structures can collapse or worse. Any carpenter ant destruction has to be repaired and replaced. It can become a huge expense.

Ant prevention.

– Food debris and crumbs attract ants.
– Wood debris should be removed from home.
– Move wood piles away from building.
– Prune overhanging trees.
– Clear eaves troughs and gutters.
– Call professional.

Dundas ant removal.

Carpenter ant infestation can evolve into elaborate colonies throughout walls and other wooden structures. But, it takes a while for it to get out of control. At the same time carpenter ants are difficult to spot. So, as soon as you spot any evidence of a problem contact Truly Nolen.



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