How Many Queens Does A Carpenter Ant Colony Have?

Picture yourself relaxing at home on a sunny afternoon. Suddenly, you notice a trail of tiny invaders disrupting the tranquillity of your living space. Bringing about unheard-of havoc, these seemingly insignificant insects are none other than carpenter ants, and their reign could spell trouble for your tranquil abode.  Understanding the inner workings of a carpenter … Continue reading How Many Queens Does A Carpenter Ant Colony Have?

Is It A Carpenter Ant? How To Tell The Difference Between Ant Species In Toronto Homes

Are you a homeowner in Toronto, staring at a line of ants marching across your kitchen floor? Believe it or not, it could be more troubling than just a minor inconvenience. You might not realize it, but you could be dealing with carpenter ants in your house, a situation that demands immediate attention. On the surface, every ant might … Continue reading Is It A Carpenter Ant? How To Tell The Difference Between Ant Species In Toronto Homes

How to Identify and Manage Carpenter Ant Infestations in Your Home

Carpenter ants, while largely unnoticed, can pose a significant threat to your home. As homeowners, it’s crucial to remain vigilant for signs of these eusocial insects that can cause considerable damage if left unchecked. In this comprehensive guide, we’re setting out to empower you with knowledge – equipping you with the tools to recognize, handle, … Continue reading How to Identify and Manage Carpenter Ant Infestations in Your Home

4 Ways to Protect Your Home Against Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are destructive little insects that are incredibly difficult to remove or eliminate. The ants build satellite colonies throughout a structure that typically requires a professional carpenter ant treatment to eliminate or defend against. Protecting your property is about understanding carpenter ants’ behaviour and knowing how to deter them. 4 Ways To Protect Against … Continue reading 4 Ways to Protect Your Home Against Carpenter Ants

Oakville Pest Control: Why Are There Ants in My Kitchen?

Avoiding ants isn’t as simple as staying away from ant hills and swarms of bugs when you’re outdoors. Sometimes, ants find you by coming into your home and congregating in your kitchen. Squishing one ant isn’t usually effective since they often are joined by many others. If you have an ant infestation in your home, … Continue reading Oakville Pest Control: Why Are There Ants in My Kitchen?

Guelph Pest Control: The Differences of Carpenter Ants and Termites

Carpenter ants and termites both make their homes deep inside wooden structures, but there are several distinct differences between the two types of insects. Knowing which insect you’re dealing with is vital for getting rid of an infestation effectively. Here’s what you need to know to understand if you are dealing with an infestation of … Continue reading Guelph Pest Control: The Differences of Carpenter Ants and Termites

Different Ants That May Invade Your Markham Home

Canada is home to many species of ants, including pavement and carpenter ants. Despite the variety of ant species that live and thrive in Canada, homeowners should be aware of three species that are more problematic. If you have carpenter ants, fire ants, or pharaoh ants on your property, call insect and carpenter ant pest … Continue reading Different Ants That May Invade Your Markham Home

3 Types of Ants to Watch Out for in Toronto

Ants are among the most common residential pests. They are invasive and can be quite destructive, depending on the species. For example, carpenter ants chew through wood to build colonies. While they typically focus on damp wood because it is easier to chew, the ants can chew into structural beams and other essential framing boards, … Continue reading 3 Types of Ants to Watch Out for in Toronto

3 Warning Signs of a Carpenter Ant Infestation in Cambridge

Carpenter ants are pests that make tunnels in wood to make their nests. Over time, they can cause extensive damage, so it is important to call for carpenter ant pest control in Cambridge as soon as possible upon discovering signs of an infestation. Here are some ways that you can recognize the signs of an … Continue reading 3 Warning Signs of a Carpenter Ant Infestation in Cambridge