Truly Nolen Canada

Hiding Spots For Pests In Your Halifax Restaurant

Hiding Spots For Pests In Your Halifax Restaurant RP

Hiding Spots For Pests In Your Halifax Restaurant

You do your best to make your Halifax restaurant as appealing to your customers as possible, so they keep coming back. Not only do you serve the best food possible, but you make sure the seating is comfortable and the ambiance warm and pleasant. Unfortunately, these factors also make your restaurant attractive to pests such as mice, rats, and cockroaches. These creatures try to avoid going out in the open as much as possible. Check the following common hiding spots for signs of infestation, and call commercial pest control in Halifax as soon as possible if you find any.

Beverage Dispensers and Bar Areas

If areas where dispensed drinks are not cleaned thoroughly and frequently, backsplashes, drip trays, and nozzles could all build up a layer of sweet-smelling, yeasty sludge. This carb-heavy substance provides the perfect material for flies to lay their eggs. As a result, you may start seeing phorid flies or fruit flies in the dining area.

As you clean the beverage dispensing machines and bar areas, do not neglect the bottom of the trash can, another place where sludge can build up. Before replacing the liner, drain the trash can, rinse it, and wipe it dry.

Patio Landscaping

Outdoor dining has always been popular, and this is likely to only increase. Unfortunately, your patio area may also serve as an oasis for ants, birds, gnats, rodents, wasps, and other troublesome pests. However, you do not have to give up your patio altogether to avoid infestations. Landscaping, lighting, and sanitation can all help to make your patio a pleasant place for your customers while keeping pests at bay.

Underneath Large Kitchen Equipment

It is a common practice to clean dirt and food debris off restaurant floors with periodic pressure washing. However, suppose you do not also clean out the area underneath large pieces of kitchen equipment, such as ovens or dishwashers. In that case, food particles can get stuck there. Decaying organic matter trapped in a moist environment can provide food for all manner of pests, especially insects and rodents. They can exist quite happily in this forgotten area for some time without detection. To avoid this, you should make a point of unearthing this area as part of your regular sanitation routine.

Unsealed Floor Joints and Tile Grout

If the floor joints are loose or not sealed properly, moisture and food particles can get trapped in them and attract pests, especially insects. Furthermore, the very act of mopping the floor, while necessary to maintain sanitary conditions, can trap food in the grout lines between the tiles due to chronic wear and tear.

Four Seasons Pest Control From Truly Nolen

While commercial pest control in Halifax is always a concern, different pests cause bigger problems at varying times of the year. Four Seasons Pest Control from Truly Nolen performs appropriate intervention and prevention at different times of the year based on the pests that are likely to be active each season. Contact us to learn more about this valuable service.

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