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How To Identify and Prevent Pest Infestations in Your Home

How To Identify and Prevent Pest Infestations in Your Home

Insects and rodents are highly adaptable creatures that have learned our human homes make fine residences for them as well. Nesting material, food sources and warm, dark or damp spaces are usually available, and these pests often make themselves right at home. Learning how to identify these creatures and how to keep them away from your home, along with our services for pest control in Guelph, can control troublesome infestations and keep your family safe.

Rat and Mouse Identification 

While rats and mice may look similar, they are two different rodent species. Learning to tell the difference between the two can help you understand what kind of pest is on your property. There are three main differences between the appearances of mice and rats:

Mice often have rounded ears, where a rat’s ears are more pointed. A mouse’s tail is usually thinner and longer than a rat’s and is covered with hair, whereas rats have naked tails. Rats are usually quite larger than mice, especially the Norway rat, which can grow up to 50 centimetres long. Rodents can squeeze into tight spaces and make their homes in attics, sheds and storage spaces. The most common sign of their presence is droppings and gathered nesting material. You may also find rub or grease marks from a rat’s fur as they create passageways along walls for themselves.

You can prevent a rodent infestation by removing food and water sources from your yard, such as leftover pet food. Store your trash in airtight cans, and do not allow trimmed tree branches to accumulate on your property. Trim branches back away from your roof so rodents cannot use it as an access point. Seal cracks and holes around your home where rodents may find their way inside. Make sure to take note of these pointers because they are difficult to trap, which makes them hard to control when an infestation takes place.

Identifying a Spider Infestation 

Many people are afraid of spiders because of their appearance, but few species in Canada are dangerous to humans. While they may be a beneficial presence in your garden because they eat insect pests, having a cluster of them in your home is probably not something you want. You can identify a problem by an increased presence of webs and egg sacs, which look like small white cotton balls. You may also see adult spiders around your home more often.

You can prevent a spider infestation in your home by sealing cracks and crevices and keeping attic and basement clutter to a minimum. The fewer places spiders have to hide, the less hospitable they may find your home. Keeping insects away with our services for pest control in Guelph can also discourage the presence of spiders.

How To Identify Bed Bugs

Few insects are invasive and more difficult to eradicate than bed bugs. These creatures can come into your home on luggage, your pet’s fur or hide in used furniture. They feed on blood, especially at night, and tend to hide in the crevices and seams of a bed’s mattress. You can identify bed bugs by their feces, which look like small, rust-coloured spots. Adult bed bugs may be visible on light-coloured sheets.

Once a bed bug infestation takes hold, it can be difficult to eliminate, so prevention is often simpler than a cure. Wash clothing and luggage thoroughly after a trip, especially if you stayed in more than one hotel. Wrap your mattresses in plastic or covers that are designed to keep out bed bugs, and vacuum your carpets at least twice a week.

Learning to identify different pest species can give you some idea of how to proceed with removing them from your home, but preventative measures can help to stop these issues before they start. Call us today for pest control assistance and make your home a safe haven for all who live there.

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