Truly Nolen Canada

What Just Stung Me? Identifying a Potential Pest Problem

Insects that sting include various types of bees, hornets, yellow jackets and wasps, all of which are a common sight in Ontario during the summer. Though stings aren’t dangerous to most people, they can become life-threatening to those who are sensitive or allergic. In fact, more than half a million people end up in the emergency room every year due to insect stings. Though people with allergies are at greater risk, even those who aren’t normally allergic can have a reaction if they are stung by multiple insects at once.

For avoiding getting stung, it is important to keep your property clear of nests and hives. If you come across a nest, you shouldn’t attempt to remove it on your own. Instead, you should get the assistance of your reliable pest control company. Here are some common stinging insects you could encounter on your property:

Bumble Bees – Bumble Bees have the fuzzy appearance, with black and yellow markings. They usually nest in dense grass clumps or abandoned mice nests, using pollen clumps to build nests. They  can sting, though it’s rare for them to sting people.

Carpenter Bee – Carpenter Bees resemble bumble bees but have a shiny and bare abdomen. Boring into the wood to create nests, they most often choose painted, weathered, or decaying wood. They don’t live in colonies, but largely on their own. Carpenter Bees are a threat to the household because they can damage the wooden structure. While male carpenter bees don’t have stingers, female ones do, although it is rarely serious when they sting a person.

Honey Bees – Honey Bees are normally friendly and social insects. They live in large colonies that can reach 80000 insects but rarely attack. They only attack in defense when their colony is threatened.

Pale Faced Hornet – These black-colored insects have white faces and build their nests on trees, overhangs, and utility poles. They aren’t aggressive, but caution is advised if you encounter a nest on your property.

European Hornet – Large in size, these insects have yellow abdominal stripes on top of brown-coloured bodies. They usually build nests with paper materials, covering them with envelop-like structures for protective purposes. They nest in hollows of trees, walls, and the exteriors of buildings.

Mud Daubers – Mud Daubers usually have long, slender, black bodies. They are considered to be highly beneficial because they feed on spiders, keeping the spider population under control. Though they rarely sting, they’re still considered a threat if found near human residences.

Worried About Stinging Insects on Your Property? Call Truly Nolen Canada

If you find an insect nest on your property, it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t try to remove it on your own. It takes an expert eye to assess the size of the nest, the type of insect and the methods that are most appropriate to remove it. Truly Nolen will send out pest control technicians who will remove the nests in the safest and most reliable way possible, without exposing your home to further risk.

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