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Is a Rat’s Tail Essential for Their Survival?

Rat Control Niagara

There isn’t much to like about rats, is there? They carry parasites and all sorts of sewage on their dirty, matted fur. They spend their time in dark, moist places and are generally referred to with disgust. Of all the pests you can find inside your home, rats are perhaps one of the most off-putting. They’re certainly one of the most feared.

One of the classic signs of a rat infestation is hearing them. They could be scurrying around your walls, in the attic, even in your plumbing. Another slapstick sign is when they run across your kitchen floor, desperately hoping you haven’t seen them. However, even if you miss their furry grey bodies, you can’t miss the long, wiry tail. Other than confirming that you have a rat problem in the home, what do rats use those tails for? Well, these rodents are actually incredibly able and intelligent creatures. This makes rat control in the Niagara area a big challenge. Today we’re going to discuss how rats use their tail to cause trouble on your property.

What Do Rats Use Their Tail For?

Rat tails, on first sight, seem like they do more harm than good. They make themselves an easy catch for predators and must get it caught in all sorts of places. While that may be true, those are problems rarely encountered by rats. The truth is that their tails have several key functions which help them survive.

First of all, rat tails are used to control their body temperature. Since lacks aren’t able to sweat, they’re able to direct their heat loss through their bald pink tails. Layers of blood vessels within their tail help them to control their body temperature. In warm weather, the vessels are opened to allow blood to flow into the tail. Contrarily, in colder temperatures, those vessels are instead constricted and retain heat in the rat’s body instead.

Rats are expert crawlers and fine climbers. They may not be tightrope-walkers, but they can certainly balance themselves on tiny surfaces and very narrow ledges. Rats can comfortably move across the top of fences and roof edgings. This is all thanks to their impressive tail, which helps them to balance in challenging circumstances. What seems like an impossible task is made much easier with an extra limb helping them to adjust.

How Important is it for Survival?

Another important feature of a rat tail is that it can be used to distract predators. There’s no shortage of bigger, more vicious animals looking to eat rats. They can be easily distracted by a rat’s tail, especially in low light. The rat, trapped without an easy escape, will flick and move their tail to trick predators. Even if it’s damaged or partially cut, it distracts the larger animals so that rats can escape. Along with using their tail for everyday functions, it seems rats can also use it to thwart predators. All of this makes the rat’s tail an important part of their makeup and essential for survival in the wild.

Call Truly Nolen Today

Rats may be able to use their tails to thwart predators, but they certainly won’t be able to thwart our experienced rat control technicians in Niagara. If you find a rat in your home, get in touch with our Truly Nolen team as soon as you can. We’ll inspect your property to find their nest and remove it quickly. We’ll also know where to look for the entry points they used to get inside your home. After our visit, you can relax in the knowledge that rats, and their slimy pink tails, won’t be bothering you again.

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