6 Essential Steps For a Spider-Free Home in Niagara

Stepping into a home that promises tranquility and cleanliness is what every homeowner in Niagara deserves. Given their knack for taking up unwelcome residence, spiders can disrupt this peaceful sanctuary. Pest control in Niagara is not merely about dealing with an inconvenience; it’s about restoring the harmony of your living space. It’s imperative to secure … Continue reading 6 Essential Steps For a Spider-Free Home in Niagara

How Our Four Season Approach Can Keep Your Niagara Home Safe From Rodents Year Round

As the seasons shift, so do the challenges facing residential pest control in Niagara. With each quarter comes a unique army of pests seeking haven in the susceptible nooks of your home, hidden from plain sight. Truly Nolen‘s definitive Four Season Approach is designed to strengthen your home against these uninvited guests, including large rodents, … Continue reading How Our Four Season Approach Can Keep Your Niagara Home Safe From Rodents Year Round

Are Mosquitos Attracted To Light? Should You Minimize Lighting In Your Niagara Home?

Are mosquitoes attracted to the glimmer of your porch light? And, if so, should you minimize the lighting to make your residence less inviting?  As a local homeowner, you’ll find enlightening facts about mosquito behaviour. Imagine understanding mosquitoes, while adopting preventive measures to safeguard your home Our expertise in residential pest control will shed light … Continue reading Are Mosquitos Attracted To Light? Should You Minimize Lighting In Your Niagara Home?

Do Mosquitos In Niagara Sting Or Bite? And What Is The Difference?

When summer arrives, so does mosquito season. These creatures can transform a blissful day under the sun into an itchy nightmare. If you’ve been pondering, do these spoilers sting or bite, and how long does their impact last? You’re not alone. This blog dives into those exact queries, along with essential, actionable insights for all … Continue reading Do Mosquitos In Niagara Sting Or Bite? And What Is The Difference?

Niagara Pest Removal: How To Deal With Spider Infestations in Your New Home

Discovering an infestation of eight-legged guests within the nooks and crannies of your dream home can quickly turn delight into dread. Truly Nolen, the trusted name in pest control in Niagara, understands that transforming your abode back into a spider-free house is paramount for peace of mind. With a deep understanding of what spiders eat … Continue reading Niagara Pest Removal: How To Deal With Spider Infestations in Your New Home

How Mice Enter Niagara Homes: Common Entry Points and Prevention Tips

As winter knocks at the door of beautiful Niagara, homeowners often encounter some unwelcome guests – mice! Have you ever wondered, “How do mice get in your house?” Like a covert operation, these little creatures tend to infiltrate our homes through unnoticed entry points. Let’s embark on this information-packed journey that not only reveals their … Continue reading How Mice Enter Niagara Homes: Common Entry Points and Prevention Tips

Niagara Pest Control: Why Carpenter Ants Matter in the Ecosystem

Have you ever wondered about the secret life of the tiny warriors we often refer to as pests? Surprisingly, they play essential roles in our ecosystem. This is certainly true in the case of carpenter ants. These industrious insects have more to offer than just being a nuisance to homeowners. This enlightening journey will take … Continue reading Niagara Pest Control: Why Carpenter Ants Matter in the Ecosystem

Year-round Pest Control In Niagara: The Key to Preventing Rodent Infestations this Spring

As winter starts to thaw, many of us eagerly await the arrival of spring. However, with the warmer weather comes the resurgence of pests that have been hiding away during the colder months. Rodent removal in Niagara is a common nuisance for homeowners. While it may be tempting to simply wait and deal with the … Continue reading Year-round Pest Control In Niagara: The Key to Preventing Rodent Infestations this Spring

Spring Awakening In Niagara: Preparing for Carpenter Ants with the Four Seasons Protection Plan

Spring is a season of warmth, refreshment, and rejuvenation, but it is also the season of insect infestations in Niagara. Among the most damaging of these pests are carpenter ants which can cause significant structural damage to your home. These pests can slowly and steadily invade your property, causing irreversible harm before you even see … Continue reading Spring Awakening In Niagara: Preparing for Carpenter Ants with the Four Seasons Protection Plan

How Long Do Bed Bugs Live? Can You Just Wait Them Out In Your Niagara Home?

Bed bugs are notorious pests that are notoriously hard to get rid of once they infest your home. If you’re experiencing an infestation, you’re probably wondering how long bed bugs can survive and what kills bed bugs instantly. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t a simple one — DIY methods like bed bug spray or just waiting … Continue reading How Long Do Bed Bugs Live? Can You Just Wait Them Out In Your Niagara Home?