Truly Nolen Canada

Guelph Pest Removal: Why Wasps Are Dangerous

Why Wasps Are Dangerous_

If you are seeing a lot of wasps on your property, it may mean that a nest is present. The presence of a nest increases your risk of stings, so you should call for wasp removal in Guelph right away. Wasps are not only annoying, but they can also be dangerous. Here are some of the reasons why.

1. Multiple Stings

Wasps may look like bees, but there is one very important way that the two are different, making wasps more dangerous than bees. When a bee stings, its stinger gets pulled out. When this happens, the bee cannot survive for much longer because of damage to its internal anatomy. However, wasps don’t lose their stingers. If one stings you, it can survive to attack again, which it may do if it feels threatened or irritated.

Furthermore, when a wasp stings, it releases a chemical that attracts other nearby wasps to the area and prompts them to attack. As a result, you can receive stings from multiple wasps at the same time. Multiple wasp stings are extremely painful, and you could die if enough wasps sting you at the same time.

2. Range of Pain

Wasp stings can range in the severity of the pain they can cause. These pain levels are described on the Schmidt Pain Index, which was developed by an individual who allowed himself to be stung on purpose so he could gauge his reaction. The pain from a wasp sting is assigned a numeric value from zero to four, with zero being the least pain and four being the most. The sting of a paper wasp is a three on the Schmidt Pain Index, compared to a paper cut with acid poured on it. The sting of a yellow jacket rates as a two.

3. Allergic Reactions

Wasp stings are painful for everyone, but if someone has an allergy to them, even one sting can be deadly. In a person with an allergy, the sting of a bee or a wasp can cause a severe reaction called anaphylaxis, which can cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure that causes the body to go into shock. Anaphylaxis can cause swelling of the mouth and throat that makes breathing difficult, and a person may lose consciousness. People who have allergies to bees and wasps should carry a medication called epinephrine with them at all times. When injected, it can reverse the symptoms of anaphylaxis.

4. Territorialism and Aggression

When it comes to defending their nests, wasps can be very aggressive. If a person gets too close, they do not hesitate to attack with ruthless disregard for their own safety. If the nest is somewhere that you can see it, you may be able to avoid it. Unfortunately, however, wasps often build their nests in places that are hidden, such as holes in sidewalks, under the fascia, or behind the broken siding. Without seeing the nest, you may pass too close for the wasps’ comfort, and then they may sting you in defence of themselves and the rest of the colony.

5. Easily Agitated

If a wasp flies over and lands on you when you are not in its territory, it probably doesn’t see you as a threat and is therefore unlikely to sting you. However, because you know that wasps are dangerous, you may react by trying to swat the wasp away. This is likely to make the wasp feel threatened, and then it may become agitated enough to sting you. As difficult as it can be, you should try to stay calm and still if a wasp lands on you and wait for it to fly away on its own.

Keep Calm and Call Truly Nolen for Wasp Removal in Guelph

If you find a wasp nest, it is important not to panic, but you should call Truly Nolen as soon as possible. We can identify the species to recommend the most effective removal method.

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