Truly Nolen Canada

Thornhill Pest Control: Some Intriguing Facts About 4 Residential Pests

4 Intriguing Facts About Pests (1)

4 Intriguing Facts About Pests

Common pests like cockroaches and termites aren’t exactly the most charismatic of wild creatures. They can, however, be just as fascinating to learn about as even the lions and wolves people flock to zoos to see. If you need to call residential pest control in Thornhill, you’re likely to get a quick and unexpected lesson. Here are a few facts to help jumpstart your learning process and keep pests out.

Bed Bugs Usually Get Away Well Before You Can Catch Them Biting

Bed bugs and their evolutionary forebears have been around for millions of years — plenty of time to develop effective survival attributes. These most unpleasant household invaders surely would never have reached their current level of success if their hosts could simply wake up in the middle of the night and squash them all.

Bed bugs are excellent at hiding in places humans rarely think to look, which is why DIY pest control almost never works. While they tend to hide in the seams beside beds, they are equally comfortable anywhere well-hidden and within range of sleeping humans or animals. When night falls, bed bugs creep carefully onto patches of skin with ample blood flow, making sure not to disturb sensitive hairs in the process. When they bite, they use an anesthetic that numbs your skin to pain. An anticoagulant helps blood flow faster so they can quickly retreat to a safe place. Most times, you won’t even know what happened until the morning.

Cockroaches Are Surprisingly Interested in Being Touched

Though most cockroaches wisely avoid human contact whenever they can, they have been programmed by evolution to enjoy physical contact. This essentially works in the exact opposite manner as claustrophobia, causing them to seek out cracks, crevices, and even other insects. Because the tighter they fit into spaces, the less likely predators or people are likely to come after them, they often find themselves wedged in almost unbelievably small gaps.

Termites Aren’t As Unhygienic As You Might Think

A lot of people think that bugs are immune to the diseases that plague humans and other large species. In reality, they often have an even harder time preventing the spread of infection. This is because colony insects like termites spend virtually all of their time in extremely close proximity with others of their species. Termites, therefore, spend much of every day cleaning one another to rid themselves of potentially harmful bacteria.

Ants Are Incredibly Strong

Have you ever stepped on an ant only to see it regain its bearings and walk off as though nothing happened? Ants’ exoskeletons are incredibly tough and resilient. In fact, certain species of ants, such as the leafcutter, are considered among the strongest animals in the world. This, of course, is only relative to body size, but it’s still impressive when you consider the forces involved. A single ant, for example, can lift over 50 times its own weight.

Much of this strength comes from ants’ powerful heads and mandibles. Taking advantage of their natural gifts, some ants are known to use their heads as physical impediments to invading colonies and predators. As they live in complex colonies, ants’ instincts usually compel them to place the wellbeing of the hive well above their own. By maneuvering the flat surfaces of their heads to block major entryways into their colonies, they effectively seal off their homes in the same manner as a steel door.

Home Pest Control

If you’ve discovered any of the pests listed above in your home, you should call pest control services as soon as possible. Common pests are incredibly resilient and can multiply quickly. At Truly Nolen, we have years of experience getting rid of pests and keeping them out for good. Call today

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