Truly Nolen Canada

Vaughan Pest Control: 4 Facts About Wasps That Will Blow Your Mind!

Facts About Wasps

Facts About Wasps

Wasps are primarily regarded as a pest, mainly for their ability to sting, overrun picnics, and build menacing-looking nests that contain thousands of wasps near homes and other buildings. However, wasps can actually be a good form of pest control since they eat other critters such as spiders, ants, and caterpillars. Although wasp removal is sometimes necessary, it is important to learn more about these creatures before making assumptions about them. Here are some mind-blowing facts about wasps. 

They Live on Almost Every Continent

Wasps appear on every continent except Antarctica, which lacks the food needed to sustain them. You can find wasps everywhere on the other six continents, from woodlands and meadows to urban settings. There are numerous species of wasps, with these different species living in temperate, tropical, and polar climates alike. Unlike some other creatures, wasps do not migrate, so you will likely see the same species of wasps in a given location year after year. 

In addition to insects, wasps are attracted to sugary foods and even beer and wine, since those beverages smell similarly to fermenting fruit. The next time you are frustrated with wasps when dining outdoors, remember that they are a potential issue for nearly everyone in the world. 

Only Female Wasps Can Sting

The reason that only females can sting is that the stinger is the same part of the wasp that is used for laying eggs. In this way, wasps are similar to bees. However, they differ from bees in their ability to sting multiple times, with the stinger remaining intact after using it on a person or another animal.

Their ability to deliver multiple painful stings to humans and their pets is one of the main reasons people call pest control in Vaughan to remove wasps from a piece of property. In fact, these creatures are very social animals who can send out a scent for other wasps to come and assist them in stinging their victim. Coupled with the fact that they build huge nests, wasps can be as dangerous as they are fascinating. Because of this, it is crucial to have a trained professional with the proper equipment come and remove a wasp colony, and never attempt to do so yourself. 

They Come in Many Colours

Although many people avoid getting close enough to see their colours, wasps come in virtually every colour, including yellow, blue, and red. Some different varieties include:

Their large variety is one reason why wasps are so interesting. However, avoid getting too close in order to identify a wasp.

They Are Smart

Despite having tiny brains, studies have shown that wasps are intelligent and can even use logical reasoning, allowing them to make inferences about their surrounding environment. Scientists believe this ability arose at least partially from living in a social environment where wasps have to interact with others, which is not entirely dissimilar to how the human brain evolved as societies became more complex. In addition, some research suggests that wasps can learn to recognize a human face

If you have a wasp problem around your home and yard, you need to find someone who can safely remove them and find solutions to help prevent them from rebuilding a nest on your property. Give Truly Nolen Canada a call today to discuss your options. 

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