Truly Nolen Canada

What Pests Are Not Active During Winter in Waterloo?

What Pests Are Not Active During Winter

Many pests die off or spend the winter months huddled together, waiting for the cold to pass. The way that pests withstand freezing temperatures varies. However, it is safe to say that your house presents an attractive option for both food and shelter all winter long. Learn more about which pests are inactive during the winter, how to prevent sharing your space with them, and who to call for residential pest control in Waterloo

How Do Pros Keep Pests Out? 

No matter the pest, you likely don’t want to share your home with them. Whether it be fleas or spiders, or cockroaches, no pest is welcome. To help keep unwanted guests outside of your home, take preventative measures that the professionals recommend.


How Do Pests Spend the Winter? 

Thankfully, many pests go away during the cold months of wintertime. Just because they go away from sight, however, doesn’t mean they are gone for good. Only some pests die off while others are waiting for spring and keeping warm the best they can until then.


Female mosquitoes can survive as eggs, larvae, and adults during the winter, depending on the species. They find places to nest for the frigid season that protect them from the elements and help keep them warm. Males, on the other hand, usually die off when the cold arrives.


Many people say that cockroaches could survive a nuclear winter, which may be accurate, but not if actual winter temperatures are involved. Many cockroaches cannot survive temperatures that dip below 15 degrees Fahrenheit. When temperatures drop, cockroaches have two choices: die or find somewhere warm to spend the winter. They often attempt to find shelter in homes. 


Ants are unlikely to make their way into your home for the winter. Unless, of course, you already have an established carpenter ant problem; if so, the carpenter ants will continue whittling away at your structure any season of the year. Other types of ants generally seal off their colonies and burrow deep into the ground to the bottom of their nests. They huddle together to stay warm and are dormant until spring if they survive. 


Continually operating with the queen in mind, winter is no different for the bees. They create a surplus of pollen the best they can and seal off their hives for winter. Bees huddle around the queen and vibrate their wings to generate warmth for the queen and themselves. Outer and inner bees will often switch positions so that no bees get too cold. Sometimes, older bees will die off due to the frigid weather.


Unlike bees, wasps don’t operate as an army of one, and they are more independent in their survival methods. Mated females will find a safe and warm place to spend the winter while the rest of wasp colonies typically die off during the cold weather. 

How To Remove Pests in Your Home?

Some people attempt a DIY pest control approach, but it can be dangerous; pets and people can suffer from harsh chemicals that might not always work. To best deal with an unwanted pest problem, call in the professionals at Truly Nolen for residential pest control in Waterloo. 

Contact Truly Nolen Canada today for pest control and removal to keep your home free of unwanted visitors this winter season and all year long.

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