Truly Nolen Canada

Protecting Your Store with Truly Nolen Local Pest Control

The retail environment is highly competitive and it takes a lot of effort to make your store look and feel great. The last thing you want is a pesky pest problem ruining an image that you have worked hard to create. It only takes one rat, mouse, or cockroach to undo all your hard work and send your customers elsewhere.

Large storage areas, high volumes of foot traffic and doors that are continuously opening and closing, make retail spaces highly susceptible to pest infestations. Besides ruining your reputation, pests can also make your store an unsafe and unsanitary work environment.

For these reasons and more, having an effective I.P.M. (Integrated Pest Management) strategy is vital to protecting your business from any unwanted pests. If you haven’t devised a strategy for pest prevention, don’t worry, Truly Nolen can help create one tailored to your business.

The most common pests found in retail spaces

Pests only need three things to survive; food, water, and shelter. Unfortunately, your retail space offers them all three, and due to the high volume of foot traffic and regular deliveries, they have numerous opportunities to enter your store and make themselves comfortable.

Five areas in a retail space most likely to be infested by pests


Pest control should be an integral part of every retail business plan

Pest sightings damage your reputation, costing you customers, sales and profit. But unsightly pest control can be just as damaging to your image and you need to work with a local pest control company that is discreet, uses unobtrusive pest control methods and is willing to work when your customers are not in the store. Truly Nolen’s commercial pest control plan includes, pest monitoring, bait soil in planters, drain treatments, power sprays around the exterior of buildings, spot treatments in high-risk areas, and granular bait applications. Every retail space is different and Truly Nolen will do a full assessment of your businesses before drawing up a comprehensive pest control plan tailored to your local pest control needs.

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