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Some Health Risks That Bed Bugs Bring

Some Health Risks That Bed Bugs Bring

The ick factor and the unpleasantness associated with bed bugs is reason enough to want them out of your home. A bed bug infestation is something that no one welcomes in their bed or furniture. Bed bugs are more than just a gross nuisance in the home. In some cases, a bed bug infestation may cause health problems. That’s why it’s vital to contact a professional skilled with bed bugs control services in Niagara at the first sign of an infestation.

Troubling Facts About Bed Bugs

One of the biggest frustrations with bed bugs is that it’s often difficult to confirm an infestation. Without a bed bug expert, people are often left guessing that they may have bed bugs. These tiny creatures are hard to see and sometimes come out only at night when everyone is sleeping. By the time someone sees an actual bed bug crawling around on the bed or furniture, the infestation may be severe.

Another thing that makes it challenging to confirm it’s actually bed bugs is the fact that their bites look similar to other insect bites. Bed bug bites are difficult to identify, even if you go to the doctor to get a diagnosis. Their bites may look like a mosquito or spider bite. It’s also possible that someone may not even realize they’re getting bit by bed bugs at night if they don’t have a reaction.

Health Problems From Bed Bugs

There are also some potential health problems that could arise from having a bed bug infestation. The most common problem that some people experience if they have bed bugs is an allergic reaction. Those with allergies to bed bugs may experience swelling, redness, and itchiness when bitten by a bed bug. Bed bugs often bite the same person multiple times, and a group of bites may appear even more swollen and irritated. Over time, this type of reaction may need medical treatment. A small number of people may even experience severe allergic reactions and may need immediate care.

Bed bugs are known to have many different types of germs and bacteria in their bodies, but research hasn’t shown any possible transmissions of these pathogens to humans. A big problem with bed bugs is in some individuals, an infestation can lead to significant anxiety and insomnia. Knowing that there is a bloodsucking creature feeding on you at night while you sleep can be horrifying. This may cause many sleepless nights and emotional distress.

How To Protect Yourself and Your Family

The best way to keep bed bugs out of your home is to take some preventative steps. Bed bugs can multiply quickly since they can live long without food and turn into a serious infestation in only a few days. The most common way bed bugs enter the home is by hitchhiking, so it’s vital for people to reduce their risk of getting bed bugs by being vigilant.

First, avoid buying any secondhand furniture, especially mattresses. What may seem like a great deal may actually be a way for bed bugs to get into your home. Some experts recommend encasing mattresses in plastic covers to keep any potential hitchhiking bed bugs from settling in and staying.

Regular vacuuming of the home may also help prevent a bed bug infestation if there is a bug that somehow comes in. Additionally, be sure to remove any clutter from the home, such as piles of clothes, papers, or other items because these could be potential bed bug hiding spots.

For even more protection and preventative care to keep bed bugs away, contact our Niagara team at Truly Nolen Pest Control. We offer bed bug treatment plans that help give your peace of mind back and avoid the health problems that come with bed bugs.

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