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Spiders in Springtime: A Guide for Handling Home Infestations

Spiders in Springtime: A Guide for Handling Home Infestations

When spring comes to Cambridge, there is much to look forward to as the weather grows warmer. However, as an Ontario homeowner, you might also be facing some unwelcome guests at this time of year as different species of spiders begin to emerge. While most of these arachnids do not pose a threat to people or pets, when they start to multiply inside your home, it can be a frightening and stressful experience. At Truly Nolen, we can offer you some insight into how these creatures act in the spring, as well as some solutions for spider control in Cambridge.

Young Spiders Emerge To Eat  

Hatchling spiders are usually able to catch food as soon as they emerge from the egg sac. A few wandering species, such as the large wolf spider, will transport her children on her back until they are mature enough to catch their own food. Those that spin webs can do so right away and will catch small insects, including:

Spiderlings often enter Cambridge homes through small cracks between door frames, unguarded thresholds and holes in window screens. Once inside, they will continue to hunt, grow and make additional webs or hide in dark places such as attics, closets and clutter, such as discarded boxes. You can reduce the risk of spiders entering your home in the spring by checking these entry points, repairing screens and cleaning up or recycling clutter.

They Hunt for a Consistent Food Source 

Spiders might enter your home during the spring if they find a consistent food source. For example, larger species that find ant trails or the presence of other crawling insects might set up shop inside your home if they can find food easily. As they grow, both males and females will prepare to mate later on in the year as the weather gets warmer.

If one or more spiders happened to lay an egg sac somewhere in your home last fall and you may begin to see these creatures in almost every room. Calling us for spider control in Cambridge is usually a better solution than using store-bought sprays or foggers, as these pesticides usually do not eliminate spiders hiding out of sight and out of reach.

Outdoor Spring Prevention Tips

There are a few actions you can take outdoors before and after our visit to prevent further spring spider infestation problems. Check outbuildings, such as garages, sheds and children’s playhouses to ensure spiders are not gathering there once the weather gets warm. You can reduce spider population issues by vacuuming up webs and egg sacs before they hatch and sweeping your roof’s eaves. Overall, preventing young spiders from thriving and becoming numerous is one of the best ways to keep them from coming indoors once the spring rains begin and they start to seek shelter.

When To Call for Help 

At Truly Nolen, we are standing by to help you with spider infestation problems that may occur in the spring. In fact, this is a good time of year to seek treatment for your home, when many spiders are still small and simpler to eliminate. Our experienced technicians know where spiders like to hide and can treat these areas so both individual arachnids and their webs are removed. Once spiders make themselves at home they can be difficult to remove on your own, so you may want to reach out when you start seeing lots of webs and an increase in the spider population around your home.

While you have nothing to fear from the majority of spiders that are found in Cambridge, they can become a frightening nuisance when the warm weather brings them into your home. Contact us today for assistance and reclaim your home from these unwanted eight-legged guests for good.

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