Cambridge Pest Removal: How Spiders Can Affect Your HVAC System

Home is where comfort meets convenience, and a well-functioning HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system plays an essential role in maintaining that comfort. However, what many homeowners may not realize is that tiny invaders can cause significant issues with these systems. Yes, we’re talking about spiders. These eight-legged creatures can do more than just … Continue reading Cambridge Pest Removal: How Spiders Can Affect Your HVAC System

What Brings Carpenter Ants Back To Your Cambridge Property Every Year?

If you’ve found yourself battling carpenter ants every year, you are not alone. You may face the problem of large black ants in your house, no matter how often they think they’ve eradicated them. The recurrence of carpenter ant infestations can be infuriating, but understanding the root causes can help you take more effective measures. … Continue reading What Brings Carpenter Ants Back To Your Cambridge Property Every Year?

Cambridge Pest Removal: How Your Kitchen Attracts Wasps and How to Stop It

Your kitchen is a hub of activity, but it could also be harbouring uninvited guests that pose a threat to both your comfort and safety. Wasps and hornets are particularly drawn to the enticing aromas and food remnants found in this bustling space. Understanding why cooking attracts wasps is crucial for maintaining a pest-free home … Continue reading Cambridge Pest Removal: How Your Kitchen Attracts Wasps and How to Stop It

How To Keep Your Cambridge Property Mosquito-Free This Summer

As summertime approaches, Cambridge residents often find themselves in a familiar battle against the persistent hum and irritating bites of mosquitoes. To enjoy your outdoor spaces without the unwelcome presence of these pesky pests, effective mosquito yard treatment is imperative.  Though many eagerly anticipate the end of mosquito season, due diligence is necessary to ensure … Continue reading How To Keep Your Cambridge Property Mosquito-Free This Summer

The Difference Between Rat Or Mouse Infestation: How To Know What Is In Your Cambridge Home

Stepping into your home in Cambridge, you might not immediately notice the subtle signs of an unwanted guest – or guests, for that matter. Distinguishing a rat vs mouse infestation is crucial to implementing effective rodent control measures. Rats and mice, while both distressing, have different behaviours, risks, and tell-tale signs within your living space. … Continue reading The Difference Between Rat Or Mouse Infestation: How To Know What Is In Your Cambridge Home

Cambridge Pest Control: Why Do Rats Have Long Tails?

As a homeowner, you’ve likely experienced a variety of unwanted guests. However, none prove quite as troublesome as the rat, infamous for its long tail. Bristling with curiosity, many homeowners in Cambridge often find themselves asking, “Why exactly do these creatures have such lengthened tails?” And when such a nuisance decides to take up residence … Continue reading Cambridge Pest Control: Why Do Rats Have Long Tails?

Protecting Your Cambridge Home: Can Pest Control Be Harmful To Pets?

The comfort and well-being of our pets are paramount to many of us. At Truly Nolen, we understand that your furry friends are more than just animals; they’re part of the family. That’s why, for our residential pest control in Cambridge, we’ve taken a firm stance on ensuring that our methods are as safe for … Continue reading Protecting Your Cambridge Home: Can Pest Control Be Harmful To Pets?

Ticks vs. Mosquitos: Which Is The Bigger Threat This Summer in Cambridge?

As the summer sun begins to cast its golden glow over Cambridge, outdoor enthusiasts are greeted not only by the warmth of the season but also by the unsettling reality of pests—particularly ticks and mosquitoes. The pressing question on everyone’s mind: which of these biting menaces poses the bigger threat? With a rise in tick … Continue reading Ticks vs. Mosquitos: Which Is The Bigger Threat This Summer in Cambridge?

Top 5 Wasp Control Methods For a Pest-Free Summer in Cambridge

As the summer sun basks over the historic tapestry of Cambridge, the uninvited buzz of wasps becomes an all-too-common nuisance. Truly Nolen’s expert pest control services offer peace of mind through the top 5 wasp control methods, ensuring your outdoor activities remain joyous and sting-free. Understanding what a wasp is and the threat it poses … Continue reading Top 5 Wasp Control Methods For a Pest-Free Summer in Cambridge

Identifying and Managing Spiders in Your Cambridge Home

Creeping, crawling, and spinning webs in quiet corners, the uninvited eight-legged guests in your dwelling are more common than you’d like to believe. If the word ‘spiders’ makes you shudder, take heart. It’s not doom and gloom, especially when you arm yourself with the correct facts and reliable spider prevention tips. This blog post lays … Continue reading Identifying and Managing Spiders in Your Cambridge Home