Truly Nolen Canada

The Role of Pest Management in Commercial Establishments


For businesses to perform well in their industries, they have to abide by regulations while striving to please paying customers. Keeping the commercial establishment clean and free from harmful pests would help tremendously in improving the reputation of the business and maintaining a steady flow of customers.

Pest management is an essential part to owning your business whether you are a restaurant, hotel, shopping mall, supermarket or any other commercial establishment open to the public. If left untreated, a small pest problem can escalate quickly and the cost factors involved in addressing the problem later on are much higher than a wise investment in proper pest management from the get go.

Roaches, rats, bed bugs and other unsavory characters have no place near to or in your commercial property. Business owners should make it their priority to implement the necessary pest management system to ensure the safety of their staff and customers. Even a small pest problem can be frowned upon by customers who may assess your overall practices and deem them unhygienic and unsanitary. Given the competitive nature of most industries, your customers may be all too willing to take their money elsewhere if they view other establishments as being cleaner than yours. In addition, an infestation can be detrimental as out of control pest problems may require a temporary closure of your business to properly address the issue.

When the health and safety of your customers is on the line, as well as the success of your business, commercial establishments should consider a more preventative approach, rather than just treating pest problems as they occur. While there are some proactive measures that owners can implement themselves, certain pests require a more professional approach even at a basic level.

Commercial establishments should engage a professional pest management solution to:

Important considerations:

Your Truly Nolen Canada pest service expert can perform a comprehensive assessment of your establishment, paying close attention to areas of concern and applying the most effective treatments to address the specific pest problem that you may have.

Call 877-977-1553 today for your free inspection and protect your home, and your health. Proudly serving: Dundas, Ancaster, Oakville, Hamilton and Burlington.

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