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How a proper home inspection can solve a carpenter ant problem.


Carpenter ants are an insect that can do major structural damage to your home. They’re known for extracting large segments of wood to build their nests. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood. The remove wood in the form of shavings to construct large galleries to house colonies. These nests can weaken wooden structures. If carpenter ants have gained access to your home they could be carving large segments of wood out of your walls, floor and ceiling.

Carpenter ants love moisture.

You will likely find carpenter ants in areas where moisture has built up. At first sighting it’s important to contact a pest control professional as well as someone who specializes in roofing or tree trimming. Carpenter ant control starts with determining where the moisture is inside your home. It could be leaking from the roof. Clogged gutters can have moisture build up and soften the material around the eaves. Water could be getting in through here. Keep an eye out for discolouration in the ceiling.

Fixing the source of the moisture can help control the ant problem. Reducing the moisture takes away the soft wood carpenter ants look for. Many pest control professionals have simple prevention strategies to help eliminate resident ant colonies. You should always begin by fixing the leak, then removing any insect problems. Not fixing the water problem will just be inviting to more carpenter ants.

Identifying carpenter ants.

Colour: Red, black or a similar shade.
Shape: Segments with oval abdomen and boxy thin thorax. Their tops have a smooth and even curve.
Size: Approximately ⅜’ to ½’.
Wing: Most workers do not have wings, but some males drones have them.

Where do I find carpenter ants?

Mostly in or around moist wooden structures. It’s possible to find the ants in these areas:

Carpenter ants are difficult to spot.

Apart from their size, it can be hard to distinguish the difference between carpenter ants and other species. Although there are a few signs that appear if you have a larger infestation. Sometimes you can spot workers foraging for food. Seeing swarmers can be a sign of larger problems. Winged carpenter ants develop once the colony is mature and it’s time to search for new locations. Carpenter ants also leave a lot of debris outside holes made in the wood. Rough wood shavings mixed with parts of dead ants can indicate a larger nest. There might also be times you can hear ants rustling behind walls or in the structures.

Pest control Ancaster

Regular pest control for carpenter ants is usually a good idea. Most of the time they can build mature colonies behind walls without homeowners even knowing. If you discover moisture in your house take a quick check of the area for carpenter ant damage. If you find anything that looks like it could be a problem contact Truly Nolen Pest Control.

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