Truly Nolen Canada

Guelph Pest Control: Proper Bee Nest Removal and Prevention Tips

Guelph Pest Control Proper Bee Nest Removal and Prevention Tips

Relative to their tiny bodies, bees are some of the most unwelcome guests in modern homes. Since bees and wasps pose a real threat of painful injury, homeowners are often eager to expel their intruders as quickly as possible. The removal process, however, shouldn’t be taken lightly. Those looking for what pest control in Guelph has to offer have often tried a risky means of home removal before calling for help. Performing DIY removal is not recommended.

Bee Sting Safety and First Aid

Honeybees differ from wasps and other bees in that their barbed stingers are completely attached to their abdomens. When a honeybee stings, its stinger tears away from the rest of its body, killing it. A stinging bee is sacrificing itself for the good of its colony. When a wasp or bumblebee stings, it is generally capable of flying away unharmed.

For most people, bee stings are painful and annoying. For sensitive individuals, however, they can become life-threatening. This is because the venom in bee stingers contains histamine, a common allergen, and melittin, a pain-causing compound. Wasps and other insects use different cocktails of venom that can be equally harmful.

If you have been stung by an insect, you should carefully remove the stinger without disturbing the venom sac at its base. Clean the sting with soap and water, and elevate it above the level of the heart, if possible. If swelling occurs, use a cold compress.

After any painful insect sting, it is important to watch yourself for the next several hours. Even if you think you know how your body will react, there is still a chance that you will develop an allergic reaction. Approximately 3% of sting adult victims develop anaphylaxis, which is characterized by severe itching, hives, vomiting, dizziness or closing of the throat. If you experience any of these serious symptoms, seek medical help immediately.

Identifying When You Have a Bee Problem

It can be fairly obvious when stinging insects are on your property, as nature designed them to be as conspicuous as possible. The bright, yellow-black patterns and loud buzzing characteristic of the bee and wasp family are two clear signals to other animals that such insects are not to be messed with. Unfortunately, you may not have the option of leaving them alone when they appear in your attic or front porch. When identifying the source of your new influx of buzzing insects, it is important not to miss hidden colonies.

Bees are incredibly industrious and can easily start a hive colony in only a single season. Honey bee queens lay hundreds of eggs, and their larvae grow to adulthood in well under a month. Because they are so small, bees can fit into cracks and gaps in wood framing, siding and other manmade structures. These areas are usually out of reach from human hands, and residents sometimes locate them only after they have become well established. To find a colony, you can simply observe where bees are coming and going — just make sure to keep a safe distance as you do so.

An expert is often needed to determine the full extent of your infestation, so you should leave close contact to the professionals. While you wait for service, try to avoid getting into situations where a sting is likely. Bees are usually inactive at night, so traversing bee-infested areas later is often safer. You can also wear light-coloured, smooth clothing that covers as much of the body as possible.

If you have located an established bee colony on your property, contact an experienced removal specialist as soon as possible. At Truly Nolen, we arrive quickly to inspect, identify and remove your infestation. Contact us today.

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