Truly Nolen Canada

Thornhill Pest Control: What Do Spiders Need Silk For?

Thornhill Pest Control: What Do Spiders Need Silk For?

spider silk

Among all the creepy crawlers homeowners may find on their property, spiders are perhaps the most dreaded. While these eight-legged critters are no doubt hazardous to small insects, they may not entirely deserve their negative reputation. In fact, most of the species humans may encounter in Thornhill are quite harmless. On top of that, spiders are fascinatingly diverse and have many special abilities. Consider a few key facts about the role of silk in a spider’s life, including how this material is used and created.

The Many Purposes of Spider Silk

When you think of spider silk, you no doubt form a picture of a web in your mind. You may be surprised to learn, however, that web building is only one of a long list of potential uses of spider silk. For instance, some of these arachnids use their silk to form draglines, which are essentially strands of silk that trail behind a spider as it travels. These safety lines allow spiders to return to their former location if the new one proves to be unsafe.

Spider silk also makes a great protective material for spider eggs. Female spiders may use their silk to form cocoons that are either fixed or mobile. Shockingly, some spiders can even use silk to form what is known as diving bells. These structures can hold air bubbles that allow spiders to breathe while underwater.

When it comes to web building, spiders may use their silk to form dwellings or to catch prey. The common orb web enables a spider to detect vibrations that alert the critter when an insect is caught in the web. Other web designs include funnels, sheets, and cobwebs.

How Spiders Make Their Silk

Spiders are born with spinneret glands that enable them to produce silk. Although they are capable of developing great quantities of the material, they sometimes recycle old webs by eating them so they can reuse the embedded proteins. Notably, the anatomy of the spider equips these arachnids with specialized tools that enable them to effectively handle silk. Some spiders use their claws, leg hairs, and hook-like appendage to manipulate the delicate material.

Depending on a particular species’ lifestyle, spiders may release their silk using a variety of different methods. The strategy for building orb webs is particularly interesting. These intricate webs consist of several distinct components: a bridge thread, frame threads, radius threads, an auxiliary spiral, and sometimes a signal line.

The bridge thread is released first, forming a connection between a spider’s current location and some other nearby structure. Frame threads and radius threads are produced later, adding to the breadth of the web and allowing the spider to easily walk about the entire structure. An auxiliary spiral is added last. This component is covered in a sticky substance that captures insects the spider will then eat. In some cases, web builders may add a signal line that allows them to detect vibrations from a greater distance.

Managing a Spider Infestation

While it is true that spiders are interesting little critters, this fact may not warm you up to the idea of sharing your living space with them. If you notice spiders in the eaves of your home or similar secluded areas, it’s a good idea to reach out to specialists who handle pest control in Thornhill. Addressing a spider problem right away is especially important considering the fact that the presence of spiders may indicate that there are other insects in your home that must be controlled.

At your local Truly Nolen in Thornhill, we offer spider removal services that are both effective and safe. Give us a call today so you can start appreciating the many wonders of spiders from a comfortable distance.

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