Truly Nolen Canada

Niagara Pest Removal: 5 Birds That Stick Around in Winter

Niagara Pest Removal- 5 Birds That Stick Around in Winter

You already know birds fly south for the winter, but what you may not know is only some of them do. There are a handful of birds that actually enjoy Canadian winters and stick it out regardless of how cold it gets. Unfortunately, that also means there is the possibility of special visitors in your eaves or attic during winter. You may require professional pest removal services from our Niagara team so they can be taken care of safely and properly. Whether in or around your home or out on a wintry adventure, look up to see which birds you can spot this season.

1. The Bald Eagle

You can’t miss a bald eagle when there’s one in the sky. During winter, you’ll find these large birds of prey in their natural habitat of southern Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia, but they also tend to branch out to the southern areas of Saskatchewan and Manitoba when winter hits. Most bald eagles prefer living near large bodies of water, and you’ll typically find them nesting atop a very tall tree. If you haven’t seen any yet, keep your eyes to the sky, as they’re either going to be in a high nest or soaring through the sky with their great wingspan.

2. The Blue Jay

Blue jays are common in Toronto, but they can also be found as far west as Saskatchewan. When winter rolls around, you might even find a blue jay in Alberta or British Columbia. If you put a bird feeder out during the winter, you’ll most likely receive a visit from one of these colourful birds. They love easy food and have a knack for finding feeders. If you keep your feeder full of fat-rich food, it will help blue jays generate the heat they need to stay warm through the entire season. Because they have such bright blue feathers, they’re especially easy to spot against the white snow.

3. The Harlequin Duck

You won’t find harlequin ducks inland, as they live on the coastal waters on both the East and West Coasts. When the surf forces the water against the rocks, you’ll find the ducks floating toward land as well. They match the rocks they live among, with dark blue and dark brown feathers, though the white markings on their heads and bodies help them stand out.

4. The Northern Shrike

The northern shrike is a lot harder to spot during winter because of its grey and white feathers that blend in with the snow. These birds actually do fly south for the winter, but because their regular habitat is in northern Canada, flying south lands them in the southern portions of the country. You’ll often find a northern shrike on a tall pole or tree that stands in an open field. This helps them look out for predators, but it also helps them hunt for prey, which is typically rodents, insects and other small birds.

5. The Snowy Owl

You may not easily spot a snowy owl during the winter because of their bright white feathers. Acting as camouflage, their feathers keep them safe from predators as they hunt and perch in the snowy coastal plains of the southern portion of Canada. If you spot a snowy owl with a few black feathers, you have probably found either a female or a young male, as the adult males tend to be stark white.

When Birds Become a Problem

Birds are amazing creatures that you want to have around. They help to naturally take care of other pests and offer entertainment for everyone. However, if you have some backyard birds that have become a problem by moving into your eaves or attic for the winter, Truly Nolen can help. Contact us today at 905-646-7474 for pest removal Niagara services.

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