3 Types of Spiders You May Find In Your Mississauga Home

Spiders are a common household pest that can cause fear and anxiety for many people. While most spiders are harmless, there are a few species that can pose a danger to humans. Mississauga is home to at least three frequent invaders including the Yellow Gardener Spider, Cross Orb Weaver, and Black Footed Spider. None of … Continue reading 3 Types of Spiders You May Find In Your Mississauga Home

3 Types of Ants to Watch Out for in Toronto

Ants are among the most common residential pests. They are invasive and can be quite destructive, depending on the species. For example, carpenter ants chew through wood to build colonies. While they typically focus on damp wood because it is easier to chew, the ants can chew into structural beams and other essential framing boards, … Continue reading 3 Types of Ants to Watch Out for in Toronto

3 Reasons For Regular Residential Pest Inspections

People are generally aware that many commercial businesses, particularly dining establishments, undergo regular pest control services. However, residential pest control is just as crucial for several reasons similar to those that make commercial pest control a smart move. Here are a few reasons why regular residential pest inspections and residential pest control services are such … Continue reading 3 Reasons For Regular Residential Pest Inspections

Burlington Pest Control: How Dangerous Are Carpenter Ants?

Carpenter ants are dangerous because they chew through wood, including structural and framing beams of your home. While there are approximately 24 species of carpenter ants, the most significant threat is the black carpenter ant. You will want to contact residential pest control services in Burlington if you suspect a carpenter ant infestation. Carpenter ants … Continue reading Burlington Pest Control: How Dangerous Are Carpenter Ants?

3 Warning Signs of a Carpenter Ant Infestation in Cambridge

Carpenter ants are pests that make tunnels in wood to make their nests. Over time, they can cause extensive damage, so it is important to call for carpenter ant pest control in Cambridge as soon as possible upon discovering signs of an infestation. Here are some ways that you can recognize the signs of an … Continue reading 3 Warning Signs of a Carpenter Ant Infestation in Cambridge

Common Ways Pests Access Commercial Buildings in Kitchener

Pests can access commercial facilities in many ways, including consumer entrances. With the amount of traffic businesses see, keeping all bugs out of a building is challenging, regardless of prevention or treatment strategies. That said, controlling the amount and severity of insect intrusions is possible, especially with the help of commercial pest control in Kitchener. … Continue reading Common Ways Pests Access Commercial Buildings in Kitchener

4 Dangers of Having Wasps Around Your Toronto Home

Many people dislike insects such as bees and wasps but are unaware of the specific hazards that they can pose to humans. While many insect stings take place outdoors, an insect infestation in the home can be especially dangerous for a number of reasons and often necessitates a call to wasp control in Toronto. Consider … Continue reading 4 Dangers of Having Wasps Around Your Toronto Home

Avoiding a Pharaoh Ant Infestation in Richmond Hill

No one wants to deal with an ant infestation. Although these pests are small, they often wreak havoc on your home, and getting rid of a full-blown infestation can feel impossible without the help of a professional. It’s important to understand which ant species you are dealing with. In many cases, the ants inside your … Continue reading Avoiding a Pharaoh Ant Infestation in Richmond Hill

Early Signs of a Mouse Infestation in Your Georgetown Home

Mice infesting your home can cause extensive damage. The larger the infestation becomes, the worse the problem can get. Therefore, it is important to call professional mice control in Georgetown as soon as possible if you believe that you have an infestation of rodents. To that end, you need to be able to notice the … Continue reading Early Signs of a Mouse Infestation in Your Georgetown Home