
Truly Nolen’s Response to

Truly Nolen Corporate

Truly David Nolen and son Scott have transformed a small family owned business into one of the most successful family owned businesses of our time.

Truly David Nolen – Shortly after graduating from the University of Florida with a degree in Entomology, Truly David Nolen joined forces with his father, Truly Wheatfield Nolen, to expand and improve the pest control business. With third generation Scott Nolen as President, a dynasty was born. Scott’s background in research and development has led to the development of natural techniques and inventions used in their family friendly approach to pest control. Now, Truly Nolen boasts over 80 offices located in Arizona, California, Florida, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas and Utah.

The company services more than 150,000 customers and employs about 1,100 partners, with almost 50 percent service technicians. Domestic franchises are offered throughout the United States. International franchises are also established in over 30 countries.

© 2025 Truly Nolen, Inc. All rights reserved. Toll-Free 888-832-4705 • Email