
Truly Nolen’s Response to

Commercial Pest Control

Additional Repair Service

Additional Repair Service

Please Note: A hive located in an enclosed area will be serviced by a qualified Truly Nolen technician or a subcontractor who is trained and bee removal and repairs. This service is not available in all areas.

The pest professional puts on his bee suit and secures the area based on the location and sting potential to passersby. It is advisable to evacuate those in this commercial space during the course of the treatment and even in adjacent portions of the structure (like an adjacent suite) if it is possible that the bees will exit into other areas once the treatment protocol has begun.

Material is applied to the established bee hive to eliminate the infestation.

Bee and Hive Removal
The cavity where the hive is located is opened in order to remove the comb & dead bees. All debris is bagged for off-site disposal.

The cavity is now closed up using the original materials removed for access (e.g., the same drywall removed will be reattached, the same bird board will be reattached, etc.). The opening is taped & textured. This service does not include painting.

Minor exclusion/sealing work is performed, usually with caulk, to seal entrance holes in the immediate area of the treated infestation.

Reasonable area clean-up is included.

Communication Even though this work was subcontracted out to a bee expert, the Truly Nolen pest control professional understands the importance of communication with his customer.

Guarantee: If a bee hive appears on a property that has a scout trap, it is covered under the quarterly service plan at no additional cost.

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