
Truly Nolen’s Response to

Commercial Pest Control

Exterior Baiting Program

Exterior Baiting Program

An exterior baiting program can be preventative or corrective. Whenever rodent pressure increases, it is wise to implement this program to address rodents before they get inside the commercial structure.

Before accessing any infested area, the pest professional puts on an approved dust mask and rubber gloves to prevent the inhalation of small pieces of rodent fur, dander and dried rodent excrement.

Bait Stations
Only used on a structure’s exterior to reduce rodent pressure on the building and the chance that a rodent will penetrate the interior. The pest professional places rodenticide on the spindle in each station, then places the units about twenty-five to fifty feet apart, depending on pest pressure. He secures each with a stake or affixes to a paver so that it cannot be relocated, shaken, or moved.

Monitoring Bait
Stations are checked monthly. If there is no activity on the rodenticide, then the technician can replace it with Detex bait blocks as a monitoring tool. If activity is detected, rodenticide remains in the stations to eliminate the rodent population.

Treatment Imposed
Once the job is completed, the pest professional personally discusses with the customer what treatment activities were performed.

The professional lets the customer know what they should expect based on the baiting program initiated and what follow-up is needed to ensure that the program is successful.

Then, pest professional notes his findings monthly on the service ticket and speaks to the designated contact, if possible, during each visit to let him know if rodent activity was detected in the stations.

This is a monthly program with an annual agreement. Truly Nolen guarantees the customer’s satisfaction. If there is a problem with any part of the service, Truly Nolen will continue to service the customer’s property at no extra charge until he is satisfied. Truly Nolen guarantees customer satisfaction or the customer will be issued a full credit for the last scheduled service.

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