How Do Mosquitoes Survive the Winter?

How Do Mosquitoes Survive the Winter

They’re a constant nuisance all summer long. There’s rarely a barbeque, camping trip or garden party which isn’t affected by mosquitoes. They seem to last the whole summer then quickly vanish when winter arrives. And yet, as soon as there’s a hint of spring sunshine, they’re back with a vengeance. How do they do it?

We’re going to tell you a little bit more about how mosquitoes survive winter. We’ll share some details about where they go, where they lay their eggs, and why residential pest control with Truly Nolen could be hugely beneficial for your home.

Where Do Mosquitoes Go During Winter?

The bad news first: mosquitoes are more than capable of surviving winter. They won’t be quite as destructive or noticeable, but they’re able to survive the cold temperatures. When the temperatures start to fall, mosquitoes will begin to look for places where they can hide during winter. Animal burrows and piles of damp, rotting woods are both great places. They’ll be protected and it’ll be a little bit warmer in there too. They may also take advantage of holes in the ground or in the foundations of your home.

The crown jewel though is your home. Mosquitoes know that inside your home they’ll not only get the shelter they need, but they’ll get the warmth they need to survive too. Basements and particularly your attic are popular places for mosquitoes to enjoy during the winter. Once there, they’ll enter diapause – a form of hibernation. Activities will be greatly reduced, they’ll feed considerably less frequently and generally, they’ll enjoy the downtime until the warmer temperatures return.

Do All of Them Survive?

So we know that mosquitoes can survive the winter by sheltering themselves from the elements. But not all of them survive. Even the ones which find warm and shelter – wherever that maybe – sometimes don’t see spring. You might be surprised to learn that it’s only female mosquitoes that survive the winter anyway. Males survive long enough to reproduce, then die off around fall. Females will lay as many eggs as possible before they enter their relaxed state of hibernation.

Sometimes, they eggs in ingenious places. Mosquito larvae need water in order to survive. Normally mosquitoes emerge from that larvae within 1-2 days, but they can survive the whole winter like this too. Sometimes, female mosquitoes will even lay eggs in water just before it freezes. Frozen or not, these eggs will be in a safe protected area for the duration of winter.

And, you guessed it, as soon as springtime comes around, the mosquitoes will emerge. Even if you don’t believe the mosquitoes in your backyard could possibly have survived the whole winter well…they don’t all need to. Huge numbers of mosquitoes will be ready to emerge from their eggs and start chowing down on your blood.

Truly Nolen’s Residential Pest Control

So hopefully now you understand why mosquitoes are quick off the block during spring. We know that they hide inside our homes during winter. Does this make winter the best time for residential pest control, to eliminate your mosquito problem? 

We’re not sure if it’s the best time, but winter certainly isn’t a bad time to eliminate mosquito numbers on your property. Our team will be able to identify hibernating mosquitoes in your attic, behind your walls, and in your basement. Once we’ve taken care of them, you can at least look forward to spring and summertime with significantly fewer mosquitoes. Call Truly Nolen today to see how we can help.