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Larder Beetle Facts

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Larder Beetle

The invasive insect Dermestes lardarius, or larder beetle, is a pest that can infest your home in Canada. Find out how you can spot the signs of an infestation and safely remove these pests with the help of your local Truly Nolen Pest Control team.

What Are Larder Beetles?

Look for a black or brown beetle with club-shaped antennae, wings, a yellowish horizontal stripe and six dark spots. These beetles mate in the spring and early summer and can lay up to 200 eggs at a time. It takes approximately 10 days for larvae to hatch and begin to feed.

Some individuals are allergic to the shed skins and larvae of these beetles. If you or someone in your household has allergies or is sensitive to pollen and dander, you may be at risk of health issues if you have a larder beetle infestation.

Larder beetles do not bite or sting, so you do not have to worry about being attacked by a beetle. Find out what these hungry beetles feed on and how you can prevent them from entering and infesting your home.

What Do They Eat?

Larder beetles commonly feed on dead animals or fatty foods. Here are some common items that attract larder beetles to your home:

Some larder beetles have been known to eat high-protein plant materials and dried meats. Improper storage of any of these items, along with small cracks around your home’s exterior, can increase the risk of an infestation. Not only can larder beetles eat your food, but they are also known to burrow into mortar, wood and soft metals to seek shelter as they grow. This can cause structural issues in your home that require immediate repair services.

How To Remove a Larder Beetle Infestation

Here are some tips on how to reduce the risk of larder beetle infestation in your home:

While these tips will limit the risk of a larder beetle infestation, it may not remove beetles already in your home. For a complete prevention, removal and cleanup strategy, request an inspection from Truly Nolen. Discuss any signs of an infestation and receive expert assistance in controlling larder beetles and other pests.

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