4 Signs of a Spider Infestation in Markham

Even if you are not an arachnophobe, seeing spiders in your home is unsettling enough to consider hiring a service for professional spider removal. Guests, children and pets may all be put-off by spiders’ presence. Some spiders help us by eating mosquitos and other insects, but others are just a nuisance. Poisonous spiders, of course, … Continue reading 4 Signs of a Spider Infestation in Markham

Markham Pest Control: How Long Do Cockroaches Live For?

Cockroaches have been around for millions of years, long before there were human beings to annoy with their filth and contamination. However, how long do roaches live on an individual basis? How do they reproduce, and what different life stages do they go through? Here is everything you ever wanted to know about the life … Continue reading Markham Pest Control: How Long Do Cockroaches Live For?

Should You Be Afraid Of Spiders In Markham?

A phobia is an intense, debilitating, irrational fear of certain people, objects, or situations. Arachnophobia is a scientific name for a phobia of spiders. It is one of the most common phobias in the world. Many people have fear of or unease about spiders to some degree, and it doesn’t necessarily rise to the level … Continue reading Should You Be Afraid Of Spiders In Markham?

Markham Pest Removal: Why Do Carpenter Ants Like Trees?

It’s common to see different types of ants in your yard. Most ants are harmless and can actually be beneficial to your grass and the ecosystem. When you spot large black ants on or around the trees on your property, there may be a problem with carpenter ants. Carpenter ants can be destructive to your … Continue reading Markham Pest Removal: Why Do Carpenter Ants Like Trees?

4 Ways To Keep Wasps Away From Your Markham Garage

Having a wasp nest in your garage can make you feel trapped. Social wasps that live in colonies are more aggressive about defending themselves and their nest than solitary wasps. Aggressive social wasps may feel threatened if you get too close, so you may be in danger of getting stung any time that you go … Continue reading 4 Ways To Keep Wasps Away From Your Markham Garage

Markham Pest Removal: What Food Do Carpenter Ants Love?

If you have an infestation of carpenter ants, you may literally see them coming out of the woodwork. This is bad news that could lead to extensive property damage unless you call for carpenter ant removal. Some people think that carpenter ants eat wood like termites, but that is not true. Carpenter ants merely dig … Continue reading Markham Pest Removal: What Food Do Carpenter Ants Love?

Markham Pest Control: Can Bed Bugs Survive in the Washer and Dryer?

Can you get rid of bed bugs by washing your clothing and bed linens? The short answer is yes, doing the laundry can get rid of any bed bugs infesting your linens and clothing. However, if the infestation extends beyond your clothing or linens, you still need professional bed bug removal to solve the problem … Continue reading Markham Pest Control: Can Bed Bugs Survive in the Washer and Dryer?

Markham Pest Control: Keep Your Christmas Tree Ant-Free

If one of your Christmas traditions is cutting down an evergreen tree to decorate, you may risk bringing a pest into your home. Choosing to purchase a tree from a tree lot can reduce that risk, but when you bring nature into your living room, you’ve almost got to expect that you might get more … Continue reading Markham Pest Control: Keep Your Christmas Tree Ant-Free

Markham Pest Control: Does Bee Venom Provide Health Benefits?

It’s that time again. Bees are making themselves known through their friendly buzzing in flower beds and beehives all around. Bees do an essential job of pollinating flowers and keeping things growing. But what if you have a few too many friendly bees to handle? Learn more about bee removal resources and the benefits of … Continue reading Markham Pest Control: Does Bee Venom Provide Health Benefits?