Truly Nolen’s Guide To Preventing A Spider Invasion in Your Kitchener Home

When considering the sanctity of your home, the presence of unwelcome eight-legged guests can disturb the comfort you’ve cherished. Spider pest control in Kitchener becomes a pivotal concern for homeowners who value a safe and serene domestic haven. Understanding the gravity of a potential spider infestation, our Truly Nolen team prioritizes the well-being of your … Continue reading Truly Nolen’s Guide To Preventing A Spider Invasion in Your Kitchener Home

Protecting Your Home In Kitchener: Small Home Repairs To Help Keep Pests Out

Picture this: you’re settled into one of Kitchener’s quiet neighbourhoods, where your home stands as your personal retreat—a cozy haven from the world. But then, out of nowhere, pests decide to barge in, turning your calm into chaos and making you wonder how they got in. Well, it turns out that a few smart home … Continue reading Protecting Your Home In Kitchener: Small Home Repairs To Help Keep Pests Out

Where Are Spiders Most Commonly Found In Kitchener Homes?

Beneath the comfortable canopy of Kitchener homes, an eight-legged tenant frequently slips through the cracks: the elusive spider. These silent lurkers, although beneficial for natural pest control, often cause distress and allure for professional pest control services in Kitchener. With an astonishing variety of species, one might wonder just exactly how many types of spiders … Continue reading Where Are Spiders Most Commonly Found In Kitchener Homes?

Are Cockroaches Only Attracted To Dirty Businesses In Kitchener?

Are you a business owner experiencing the relentless scuttling of cockroaches whose antennas twitch in the shadowy corners of your establishment?  If yes, then you’re not alone. It’s a gross misconception that these little unwanted tenants, the ones with an unparalleled love for hiding in nooks and crannies, are exclusively attracted to unclean corners of … Continue reading Are Cockroaches Only Attracted To Dirty Businesses In Kitchener?

How Kitchener Residents Can Help Prevent Rat Problems In the Neighbourhood

Consider being a homeowner and coming across the occasional uninvited rodent guest.  Utilizing the principles of residential pest control can be a potent tool for you to keep these intruders at bay and maintain the hygiene and comfort of your home. A rat infestation can sneak up on even the most vigilant homeowner. Still, by … Continue reading How Kitchener Residents Can Help Prevent Rat Problems In the Neighbourhood

What Do Carpenter Ants Look Like? A Visual Guide for Kitchener Homeowners

Hidden within the shadowy corners of your home, a silent army may be marching – carpenter ants. These unwelcome guests are distinguishable by their polished black armour-like exoskeletons and robust mandibles, forged for precision in woodcarving. In Kitchener, homeowners bear witness to their existence through telltale signs of sawdust trails that whisper the tales of … Continue reading What Do Carpenter Ants Look Like? A Visual Guide for Kitchener Homeowners

Kitchener Pest Removal: Debunking Myths About Bed Bugs

Chances are you’ve heard your fair share of urban legends concerning bed bugs. From folklore about their lifespan without food to misguided DIY methods for extermination, myths about these irritating creatures abound. This blog is your reliable source to debunk these myths about how to remove them from a mattress and learn the facts about … Continue reading Kitchener Pest Removal: Debunking Myths About Bed Bugs

Spring Cleaning Tips to Prevent Carpenter Ant Infestations In Kitchener

Spring is here, and so is the time for spring cleaning. However, it’s not just about getting rid of dust and clearing clutter – it’s also about preventing pests from invading your home. One such pest that you need to watch out for is the carpenter ant, a species that can cause significant damage to … Continue reading Spring Cleaning Tips to Prevent Carpenter Ant Infestations In Kitchener

Preventing Future Infestations: What Happens After Rodent Removal In Kitchener?

Imagine you’re enjoying an enticing cup of cocoa, cozied by your living room fireplace, when an unexpected guest – a mouse, maybe, or even a rat – scurries across your floor. The mere sight is enough to make your heart jump! If you can relate to this scenario, you’re in the perfect place. This blog … Continue reading Preventing Future Infestations: What Happens After Rodent Removal In Kitchener?