Carpenter Ant Role in the Ecosystem and Impact on Thornhill Homes

As a homeowner, being aware of the pests sharing your environment can help you maintain a balance that favours both biodiversity and human comfort. In this blog, we’re focusing on one such critter that is often misunderstood – the carpenter ant. These insects play both a beneficial and potentially damaging role; we must understand this … Continue reading Carpenter Ant Role in the Ecosystem and Impact on Thornhill Homes

Thornhill Carpenter Ant Removal: Why DIY Pest Removal Doesn’t Work

When you first notice you have a problem with pests, you may be tempted to try to solve it yourself. Lots of homeowners think they can solve a pest issue with a DIY solution, such as a home remedy treatment or something purchased from a grocery or hardware store. Sometimes the DIY pest removal plan … Continue reading Thornhill Carpenter Ant Removal: Why DIY Pest Removal Doesn’t Work

Thornhill Pest Control: What Are Carpenter Ant Predators?

Every animal has its place on the food chain, and ants are no exception. Carpenter ants are omnivorous and spend a great deal of time foraging for food to feed not only themselves but the colony as a whole. Ants have many natural predators as well. Some are much larger creatures, such as birds, reptiles, … Continue reading Thornhill Pest Control: What Are Carpenter Ant Predators?