When Is Wasp Mating Season?

When Is Wasp Mating Season?

Did a wasp nest seem to appear overnight on your property? Wasps are uncomfortable neighbours and even worse houseguests. Don’t attempt to remove wasps or a wasp colony from your home by yourself. Learn more about the mating season to anticipate newly formed nests and schedule a Guelph wasp control service from Truly Nolen Pest Control.

Wasp Reproduction

Understanding how and when wasps reproduce is a critical part of a seasonal pest management plan. While there are over 30,000 species of wasps, they form two basic groups: social and solitary. Social wasps tend to cause more serious safety concerns, but both types of wasps can be a problem if encountered in your home or your yard.

Social wasps make nests and live in large colonies, either above ground or in holes. They typically mate once a year in autumn. The queen then hibernates until springtime, when she begins laying eggs. Adult worker wasps can take only 10 days to emerge and begin caring for other eggs. June and July are the peak months for the nest population, but there may be a significant colony by April or May. Only the queen can lay eggs, as the other females are hatched infertile.

Solitary wasps don’t rely on a queen to produce eggs for the entire colony. Unlike social wasps, all solitary wasp females are capable of laying eggs. Females lay eggs near a food source, usually an insect or spider that has been paralyzed with venom. Once hatched, the solitary wasp larva eats the food and learns to quickly thrive in solitude. Most solitary species mate in the spring, lay eggs in the fall and only the pupae survive through the winter.

How many wasps are a danger? Any time a wasp is a nuisance, it’s time to contact a pest removal service. Removing a single wasp from your home may not be an issue, but there are likely to be more in the future. Never attempt to handle a large swarm by yourself or disturb a nest. Use caution when clearing old nests, as it may not be obvious whether a nest is in use or abandoned.

Signs of a Growing Nest

Wasps in your home or around your property can be a nuisance and even a danger. A single sting is painful and uncomfortable, and multiple stings can be extremely painful. In some instances, you or a family member may have an allergic reaction to the sting, which causes dangerous levels of swelling. It’s best to stay away from these pests and let a professional handle the situation.

Some wasps build nests underground. These thin, smooth insects can be seen flying around, but you probably won’t notice any signs of a nest. One or two wasps may not be an issue, but a full colony can contain as many as 10,000 wasps.

Other social wasps build nests in attics, attached to eaves or in other high places around your home. These nests can be dangerous when placed near your door or in your home. Don’t let a swarm of wasps prevent you from enjoying your home this summer, but work with a pest control team quickly once you see wasps or a nest around your property.

Turn to Truly Nolen for Guelph Wasp Control

At Truly Nolen Pest Control, we offer professional wasp control service in Guelph to protect your home or business location. Request an inspection today if you see a large nest, wasps in your home or a large swarm of wasps on your property. Our full-service pest control includes a year-round plan to control the swarm, protect your property and ensure a wasp-free outdoor experience with Truly Nolen.