Vaughan Pest Control: Preventing Rats At Your Outdoor Party This Summer

When warmer weather arrives in Vaughan, you probably look forward to gathering friends and family in the backyard, patio or deck for barbeques and casual get-togethers. Still, you may not realize that your outdoor activities could also invite rats onto your property. These clever rodents are highly adaptable, but we at Truly Nolen are ready … Continue reading Vaughan Pest Control: Preventing Rats At Your Outdoor Party This Summer

Oakville Pest Control: 5 Signs You Have a Mosquito Infestation

Although mosquitoes are not always dangerous and usually just leave behind itchy bites after feasting on human blood during the warm summer months, they are notorious for carrying diseases that have the potential the be deadly. No one wants an infestation of mosquitos on their property because the annoying pests can sometimes be dangerous. For … Continue reading Oakville Pest Control: 5 Signs You Have a Mosquito Infestation

Why Call Truly Nolen Pest Control for Wasp Removal in Toronto?

Wasps are an annoying and potentially dangerous pest that many homeowners and commercial building occupants have to deal with. Wasps are common during the spring, summer and fall. If you find a wasp nest in or around your property, it’s safer and more effective to call in professionals like Truly Nolen Canada, for wasp pest … Continue reading Why Call Truly Nolen Pest Control for Wasp Removal in Toronto?

Niagara Pest Removal: Why Wasps Bite and How You Can Avoid Encounters

When summer arrives in Ontario, a variety of insect pests become active, including several species of wasps. The species that live in Ontario are mostly social and build community hives, and when they choose your property as a nesting site, it could put you and your family in danger. We at Truly Nolen Canada can … Continue reading Niagara Pest Removal: Why Wasps Bite and How You Can Avoid Encounters

Waterloo Pest Control: The Risks and Dangers of a Mouse Infestation

Mice do not look very threatening; the animals are small, fragile, and tend to shy away from people. Still, the animals can cause human health and safety issues when left to multiply and thrive in a house. The only reliable solution to a residential infestation is home pest control in Waterloo. Do not get caught … Continue reading Waterloo Pest Control: The Risks and Dangers of a Mouse Infestation